Tuesday, April 29, 2014

04.24 Diary

Woke up ..or woken by Her, about 0900.
She suggested I grab one of the vibrators...  then noticed...  that I had evidently defecated in a diarrhetic way in my briefs and on to the sheets.
So, instead, we got up, stripped the bed... and She took the sheets to the washer, while I went to the toilet, to ...finish up.
Then coffee and a snack, then shower and dressed... after I put the jingling cock ring onto my scrotum, and we went out to my car, and headed to the Valley for a doctor's appointment for Her.
Nothing special, a routine three-month follow up, and we departed.
She has been telling me that She needs to do clothes shopping prior to Her May 3rd departure, so we decided to try the SOGallery, since it was just down the road.
Turns out, that place primarily restaurants and a movie theatre.  We got a coffee for me, and a soda for Her, and went on our way, down the 405 a ways, and tried a mall there.
Same thing. Mostly food and movies, but no retail clothing stores.
We went into the JauntyRocks for lunch.
Then I went to the toilet,  then She went to the toilet,  then I noticed the one pen that I had 'out'  ( as opposed to the dozens inside my man-purse) was missing.
Thinking I left it in the bathroom, I went back to take a look.  Didn't find the pen, but I did find my cellphone that I left in there.
I came out, and stood around waiting for Her,  until She came in from the front door.
She had come out of the toilet, couldn't find me, and went outside looking for me....
We departed, and headed for Terr, to the only beauty supply shop She knows that has the non-latex gloves She uses.
Then we went next door, to the Japanese buck-n-a-half store...
 By which time little-s had 'come out' and was with me for the trip.
 I told her, that SHE doesn't seem like a 'real' Domme, or a real-strict-harsh one, and she told me that SHE is 'afraid of me.'
Well.... that was enlightening.
Then we went to the supermarket, to get fixins for our Easter dinner, tonight.
Home, unloaded, unpacked, put stuff away.
Back to the toilet for me, while she started dinner.
I  started redoing my notebooks
And got the clean sheets on my bed.
We had dinner,  including Her, not her.
And went into the bedroom.
And we talked.... about such things, as WHY She might be afraid of me.
The simplest part of the answer was, because She has to live with me.
Sleep... around 0200.

HsLS  107
HsLO  398
HsLB  75 1/2
D Un  121
D U.P.  2
Her D.O.?  No
Did I offer D.O.? No

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