Referring to 'that' video, the one that simply jazzes me so much....
Whenever I look at it, and putting myself in the place of the naked male spankee, I fantasize about, how I got in that, what came before the action?
So, I have often created scripts in my mind, call them role plays, if you will, in regards to the minutes leading up to the situation.
So, assuming I'm re-creating this scene with a video camera rolling, here's a few scripts I've come up with.
1. Camera focused on empty chair.
She walks in, on camera, sits down, brandishing paddle, and says, "Get your clothes off and get over here."
Off camera, I say: " again...."
"Do not make this worse on yourself by arguing. Get naked and get over here."
I enter on-camera, and go over Her lap.
2. Camera focused on Her, sitting in chair.
She looks at the camera and says, "Now, ladies, for the demonstration segment of this meeting of the Disciplinary Wives Club, I will show you MY way of putting my husband over my lap, and thoroughly warming his bottom. In my opinion, your man should be totally naked for this, as it signifies the Total Power Exchange involved. And so, he is naked for this. Shilo, get over here."
Naked, I enter on camera, and go over Her lap.
3. Camera focused on empty chair.
Off camera, Her voice: "I am so pleased about your engagement to my son."
2nd female voice, giggling: "Yes, I am, too."
Her: "So, has he told you about the spankings I give him?"
2nd, surprised voice: "Sp..spankings? No, no, he hasn't said a word."
Her: "Well... I spanked his bare bottom, often three times a week, when he was growing up, and since he moved out of the house, he still comes over about once a week and gets a spanking. He didn't tell you that?"
2nd: "No,no, not a word."
Her: "Not entirely a big surprise. Anyway, not that you're going to marry him, it's going to be your duty. Although I will certainly want to pitch in and help, whenever I can. How about a demonstration?"
2nd: "Sure!"
Her: "As time goes on, I can show you many different implements to use, and many different ways to do it, but this time, I'll show you what I consider the most basic."
She enters on camera, and sits in the chair, and says, off-camera, "Now, Shilo, get undressed, and get over here."
My voice: "Pleeeeese,"
Her, sternly: "Has pleading EVER gotten you out of a spanking, or in fact, did it just make it worse? NOW, get undressed, and get over here."
I enter on-camera, and go over Her lap.
She says, looking off-camera, "I ALWAYS have him get naked for spankings. I believe it underscores the power exchange involved, and adds to the vulnerability he feels."
4. Camera shows a clock, 7:50
Her voice: "Shilo, it's almost time, are you getting ready?"
Me: "Please, do you HAVE to:?"
Her, exasperated voice: "I want YOU to tell Me what We decided...."
Me, stammering.. "Because of my disobedience, you would give me a spanking every night at 8 pm, for a month..."
"So, are you getting ready?"
Camera to Her, sitting in the chair.
I enter on camera, naked, and go over Her lap.
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