0120 up to pee
310 up to pee
500 Stitch asked for a ride to work in the rain. merry explained, we wouldn't be around to get him at 3;30, because we'd be at my apptmnt in Cerr.
615 up to poop , have tea, check on a bill list, left food for D for when she finally gets off our bed
945 pooped again, fed cat, coffee n toast before my 10:00 cut off, updated diary for Sat n Sun
1100 sleep til 1245
Up .
Merry assisted me with medically-prescribed enema
after some pooping:
showered dressed
In car, with Merry 1515 to Urol in Cerr
In the waiting room 1545
shown in pretty quickly
Procedure of biopsy 'interesting' and quick
Out ... wasn't asked for a co-pay ... okay, fine
M driving, out of parking lot 16:21
home 4:40. I wore short pants to the appt to make undressing easy, changed to long pants, and put on my left-arm sleep (cat scratch scars, from a week ago).
finally got to have coffee and made some
poop, and poop
Kiss Merry good bye
Caar 17:09 early because I wanted to hear Clemson vs Alabama on the radio, which started 1700, but kickoff about 1720
office 1818
sat in car in parking lot, until a break in the game came for me to park and go up to office
Much to my surprise, No Denny in the office.
As Samir was 'happy' to explain:
Denny was changing shifts to cover the openings on the Fri-Sat-Sun overnight. (meaning, no overtime for me, not that I'm 100% sure I'll get paid for all that I have worked already)
The Chauffeur Mis-manager sent an email, notifying chauffeurs that henceforth nobody ...NOBODY ..is to take a car home at the end of their shift, or pick up a car at base, the night before the start of their shift. Lot of pissed chauffeurs over that one, lemme tell ya.
Reps of the Leasing Co from whom our company acquires the cars that our chauffeurs drive ..came in over the past few days, wanting ALL the cars returned. That would ... put the company out of business. Per Samir, the CEO 'talked them down'.
I was still watched The Game.. but so Samir could get out, I clocked 'in
Clemson CRUSHED 'Bama. I loved it.
Later, Stitch told me, he was bored by it. Well, I for one, enjoyed watching 'Bama getting their Bottoms Blistered!
Then Denny sent me a text.... the morning dispatcher, Miguel, 'called in sick'. Could I stay late into the morning until Samir gets here, whenever that might be?
Samir is 'usually' no later than 8:45 on his scheduled days for a 9 a.m. shift... Denny said he would text Samir about ...coming in earlier.
... I was tired as rubber, but nothing could be done ...
23:55 out
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