Thursday, January 10, 2019

9TH January Wednesday

00:01 in
 Merry called, 'GN'  0200
out 5:50
600 car
  stopped for gas  405 exit Rosecrans Arco 11.64 gals
 continued to LB, checked out Arco at LBB and Wardlow for liquid pods, found some ...
home 708.
fed animals     paid  CreditOne and SCE on lne
MDM 1/2 sub and p.chips
bed 800 
up to pee 10

1215  Gastritis attacks began ...  Spasms 15 to 25 seconds apart...
 ...and vomiting, everything in my stomach
 Had Merry try to reach our drs' office, she tried several times from 13:00 to 14:30... no answer.
So she got up showered and dressed while I got up and dressed and packed to my minimal travel bag (wallet, phone glasses notebook)
and we were out 1515, enroute to College Hospital.

First I signed in and waited.
After a while, I was taken into triage, with symptoms verified, then sent back out to wait until a bed opened...
A bed opened...and I was called in.
After not long, a doctor came along and told me ... kinda what he was gonna do.
While I was waiting, a woman that my wife and I referred to over time as "the crazy lady" was wheeled into the partition next to mine...and screamed her lungs off for.. hours.
She claimed her name was Alisha Keys. That she was a 16 yr old virgin. That she wanted them to 'cut this baby out of me'. That she had 12 pregnancies, and 4 children.   OH she screamed.
A nurse came in to my partition, and asked me, I don't know what.  I screamed back, "I can't hear you."
She said, "Don't take it out on me..."    Well FUCK you.
Anyway, SOMEbody asked if I wanted to be moved out of this room, into the hallway...
"Sure even the parking lot would be okay," I said.
Anyway, still on the gurney  I was wheeled into a off the main hallway, which was very quiet then alternately very loud.
While in that hallway, I had .. a bunch of blood extracted,  an IV 'installed' in my right forearm, an EKG done,  wheeled away for an abdomen CT,  and was requested to get up and walk to the restroom to give up a urine sample.
In time, final 'notes' were taken   ie temperature, blood pressure, O2 level...  and was discharged with a book of discharge papers.
5 different diagnoses appeared on the papers; the only one that makes sense is 'adult gastritis'.  I've had it before, at least three times, and I recognize the symptoms.
Discharged about 2145  with prescriptions for Protonix and Zofran attached to the discharge book.  Not doing it tonight.
We drove through Taco Bell   then home.
We ate, shared what we could with Donna, go to see the last 30 minutes of "remember the Titans" 
and went to bed ....2230? 

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