Sunday, March 30, 2014

03.29 Diary

09:30  up...and pills and something to eat and coffee...  then sitting around, then a shower and body shave.
The She gathered up Momma Kukla and her two young 'uns into a carrier, and we went off to a vet, to have them checked out.
We returned an hour or so later...
And She wanted to get Her Daily Orgasm, and I obliged Her.
And I asked, rather than me going on Her errands, including W's house, maybe the PO, maybe a Coal's, that She take Stitch as I had a number of household chores to do, and She agreed.
I started with weekly reading from The Science of Mind...
And listened to Her get into a yelling match with Stitch, having to do with Stitch throwing stuff away, from the top of Her desk,  which he had no right to be throwing away.... and as a result of that, he did not go with Her, and She set off alone.
I continued...  by bringing Her dry laundry in, and folding it up and putting it away... and putting Her second load in to wash (but I used the wrong detergent...)
I did more measurements ...the bathroom and garage...for the charts I've been making...
And felt another earthquake roll through,  4.5 I heard later...
I started to doze in my easy chair, and Stitch woke me up to say he "just found out" that he needs to get to an ATM for cash for Her son that was coming over, who needed it for automotive repair.
Funny thing, She called me about this, two hours prior, so how is it he "just found out"?
No matter, now, I got up, and we went to my car, and drove down to where His bank and mine sit, 1/4 of a block apart.  His bank has a stand alone branch up along the main street, and has another branch inside the supermarket, some 200 yards offset from the street.
I pulled up to my bank, and told him, "I'll do my thing here, and you walk on down there, and I'll pick you up there."
Getting out, I watched him heading down the side of the building, heading for the supermarket.
I yelled at him, and pointed at the main branch.
He walked back, walked around the front of whatever building it was, and started heading for the supermarket, and I ran after him, saying, "Go to the main branch over there PLEASE."
He finally got it, and went to the main branch.
I went to my ATM, got in my car, and went down and picked him up when he was done, and headed home.
I fixed the number sign on the outside of our house that continues to fall down and off.
I updated my calendar...  got online and updated my bank account, pay some bills, looked at my budget,  sending my stress level to a new high....
And went out to the garage to start counting comics.
I hope to sell them someday (soon)  and I've given up on an actual inventory, but I want to at least 'count them' so I know how many I have, when I get around to advertising them for sale.
She came home....and asked me to come inside for a fashion show.
I did, and She called for Stitch to join us, who took his sweet time doing so, like he does whenever She asks him to , and it's getting really fucking annoying to me...
And She showed us the bras She bought....and black ruffle panties ...and a couple of dresses....

Then I returned to the garage, to count more comics.
Totally bored by it, I went back into the house.
She asked me about the laundry.... it was on the 2nd rinse.
She is hyper sensitive to laundry detergent on Her clothes, and always is thorough when washing to make sure the soap is rinsed out.
She started on dinner...
I went through a stack of mail order catalogs.
My little dog Cookie was outside, and apparently, had not gotten the hang of the doggie doors that I had cut into the lower half of the screen door, so we spent some time in the kitchen, with Cookie on the outside, trying to get her to get the hang of it.
Then dinner....they had chicken and rice and broccoli, I had a cup of chicken soup, and raw carrots and celery with dip.  I try to eat light, before going to a party....
And ..waited for Her laundry in the washer, now on its 3rd or 4th rinse.
And we napped in our easy chairs.
She finally put the clothes She wanted right away in the dryer, and we started getting ready, with showers, and getting dressed,  and me packing the toy bag.
She was ready, and when I had the last thing packed, everything but ear plugs.....  I said, "Show time!"
She yelled,  "You hear that, Stitch, it's show time!"
From the bedroom, came the words, ""
Oh, I was pissed.  He knew damn well what it meant. "IT'S TIME TO GO!"
She added with a yell, "You going or not, we're leaving!"
He came stumbling out, and we went to my car.
And off we went to the party at the BoD, arriving...
I'm honestly not sure.   10:30? 11..ish?

We arrived, I spotted a parking place directly across the street from the main driveway entrance.... which would take some careful parallel parking to get into.....
 Which resulted in, me tapping the rear end of the car in front of me, several times.
I paid... five bucks a person, quite the bargain...we entered....
and OMG  the noise and confusion....
Well, not confusion, really...everybody seemed like they knew what they were doing...but so many of them...
And music that is NOT music to my 57-year-old ears.
We stood for a minute, looking over the frolicking in the main room, and She said, 'I'm going outside, people I need to talk to."
Now, She did not say, "Stay here." or "Come with me." or "Want to come with me?"
She just went, without waiting for a response, and I  stood there.
Listening to the LOUD noise that passed for music......  getting jostled by people walking by me where I stood....  feeling alone.... like I did, when I attended these things alone...
And 'it' came on, fast and hard....  total panic...I had to get out.
I tried to get my car keys out of the toy bag, getting jostled three times while I did so.
I walked outside, thought about going to the car,  decided to find a place to sit the driveway, under some light so She could see me, and plopped down in folded-leg position, and started meditating.

She found me...said She had been looking for me for fifteen minutes.... even called me (I looked at my phone, buried in my pants pocket, one missed call, one vcml ... from Her).
She knew what was up with me, She understood about my panic attacks.
It had been a while since my last one....
I told Her, I just wanted to go sit in the car, and get my peace back.
She said, okay, She would send Stitch out to check on me, in awhile.

I went to the car...
After 30 or 40 minutes, Stitch came out...I said, "I'm okay, but I'm not ready to come in."
He nodded, and went back in.....

HsLO  110
HsLS  11
Her DO?  Yes
HsLD  37 1/2
D UN  95

Thought for the Day:
 "I believe that the divine intelligence which is the Mind of God is guiding and directing my thoughts and acts.  I believe that God already knows the answer to this particular probelm; therefore I let go of it and listen to the answer."

From My Manifesto:
I may be required to perform fellatio,  on inanimate objects or living flesh. 

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