Friday, May 9, 2014

5.08 Diary "Mistress Merry holds the key..."

Woke up from the nap... midnight.
Had a snack, read the paper... back to sleep  01.20

First wake up around 0800.
Awake again, and up 0900.
Fed every furry body, tried to shake the cobwebs in my head, and started on a house project.
Painting... REpainting the ceiling in Her bedroom.
I left my phone in the living room while I was in the bedroom, and was interrupted like more than a dozen times ...voicemails from Her because I didn't get to it in time, or emails from my work manager, or emails from a wannabe who has been haranguing me to set him up on a spanking date with my wife.
And I went back and forth, doing a couple loads of laundry.
Finished around 15:00.   Too late to start the next painting project.
Online,  paid bills, caught up on email....
In the shower,  1715 or so.
In my car, 1815 or so.
I had no desire to be on any freeway at this time,
so I planned on LBB south to DA, west, to VT south, to Torr west to Anz north, and I'm there.
.. On DA, got stuck behind a train...and a block later, a monster accident between a sedan and an SUV,  bottlenecking three lanes into one.
I sent BDL a text, saying "looks like 1915 ..or worse."
I actually arrived 1920.
Somebody going into the complex opened the gate, so he did not have to come out.
Then I felt like I was in a labyrinth, until I found their (BDL and SC) unit.
They left the door open for me while they were occupied in the bedroom, getting dressed, I surmised.
We said, Hello, howareya,  small talk...
BDL prepped the spanking bench (taking a bunch off stuff off of it, centering it in the living room), and I handed SC, who was sitting on the couch, my video camera, and I stripped off, and mounted the bench.
SC got up and ...did the warm up on my bottom, then sat down on the couch, while BDL took over.
His new strap was um interesting....
But he used several canes, and always aimed for the fold where the lowest curves of my cheek turn into my thighs...   Owwwch.

Paddles...straps.. canes...dragontails...
What fun!
Pictures at the end of this
There were five videos in all.
My laptop that has them on the drive, gives me a blue screen, after I've uploaded two videos to anywhere, so they will appear on this blog, eventually.

Left there, 2130.
SC strongly suggested I stop using alcohol ONLY, as it takes moisture out of the skin....
and I use a moisturizer daily.
She recommended Udderly Smooth or  Vitamin E oil.
I went to a CVS on the way, as it was about time for me to get a Mother's Day Card...
I got one; this CVS did not have Vit E oil, but did have Udderly Smooth, and I got it.
Then another stop, for gas,.....    then back in LB, a stop at the PO, to mail the card...
And home 23:00.
Where I plugged the camera into the laptop, and starting uploading.

HsLS  182 1.2
HsLO   736
HsLB   3
H&D Lock  15 1/2 + 5
Her DO?  No ....
Her, OOT  5 1/2

from A Dozen Rules for A Chastized Husband
I am not allowed to ask for ... an orgasm ... sex ... or intercourse, ever. 
Violations of this rule are punishable by time extensions , corporal punishment, or both.

from Her (another woman's) Five Rules for Establishing My Submission to Her
I am required to provide a full domestic service for the house.
I am expected to:
Do all the clothes washing, drying, and putting them away;
All washing up and tidying up;
Cleaning of all services everywhere;
When required by Her, perform a supervised full scrubbing of all floors and surfaces in the house, on hands and knees, while naked,  with my buttocks always facing Her,  and expect to be disciplined as it suits Her, via whip or other implements, depending on performance, or Her whims.

From "Seven Benefits the Man Gets with Enforced Chastity"
I give Her honor by allowing Her to lock me up and hold the key.  

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