Asleep 02:30
Up 04:00 pee, and some ice cream.
UP 0900, lookin at email
Up 11:30 coffee, getting ready for work.
Showered, dressed...
She called Maytag about the washing machine...
In car 12:46. Got gas in my car on the way
At work 13:43.

I was NOT ready for this shift.
I was doing set up for the next day, which happened to be the closing ceremony for the Special Olympics and I had to deal with VANS so many vans, and countless other jobs....
My stress level skyrocketed....
And eventually got through it, but it left me 'pissy'.
In a quite moment, I composed a scene for taping which I emailed to Merry:
"As you know, Ive had a fantasy, even written a scene about ...being spanked, then masturbated/milked, then spanked again... but a problem would be, getting cooperation from my penis, which has a mind of its own, especially on camera.
Well, I think by the time the Game ends, IT will be more than ready for whatever happens.
So I'm hoping that WHEN it's time...
A scene starts with me in the shower, then your voice on camera saying something like "SO I LET YOU OUT OF CHASTITY, AND YOU IMMEDIATELY START MASTURBATING IN THE SHOWER?
that's not on camera, because the camera is too difficult to move around and refocus
The camera shows me, naked, with you spanking me wherever however, best is bent over chair...
because then, you sit on stool...turn me around, have me stand, hands behind my back, give me a handjob, until I cum but you let go before I cum, causing a ruined orgasm...
You throw a towel at me to clean up, then bend me over for more spanking.
Then, however you want to finish the scene, corner time, or me kneeling between your spread legs, or just fade out."
Her response was a very UNenthusiastic '..sounds interesting'.
We went back and forth with a couple more, with Her saying, She would like to 'discuss it later'.
(note to reader: we did discuss it later, see Sunday's diary).
Off work, 23:30, feeling REALLY beat up, in a bad way.
And getting out of Hollywood at that time of night on a Saturday....
h s l Sex 383 h
h s l Org 383 h
h s l Fun/me 55 h
h s l Fun/Her 55 h
LOCKED 126 h
s Her l DO 34 h
Gluten free 8 D
s Her last D 18.5 D
S l P or M 3+
I'm gad we talked about it