Monday, June 23, 2014

6.20 Diary

Up 0430 for milk and cookies.
UP 0700, because Stitch came in, needing a ride to work, and for all intents and purposes, SHE pushed ME out of bed to go do it.
Home, toilet,  fed critters,  emptied the chamber pot, and scooped, an sat in my chair for a nap, while expecting a call from a federal lady.
I think I blew the call, as my phone rang with a restricted number, and I sleepily may have hit "dismiss".
Awake 1015,  She brought me coffee.  I was online a bit,  then showered, dressed, and we were in my car 1250, went a few blocks, turned around and came back for forgotten paperwork....then continued on, to me a prospective sub at a Fizzler.
Lunch was good enough.
We left at 1440, came home.
Started looking for the keys to the shrine, gave up.
She called ahead to get the gate unlocked.
I got in my car, went to pick up Stitch.  Arrived 15:45, got a twenty minute nap before he came out.
Drove to the temple. Gate was unlocked. We scouted around to see what supplies we might need.
I sent a text to Her, and drove home.
She wasn't home.  Didn't expect,as She had to go to market, and pickup May.
I found Her phone on her bed, so I figure, She did not get the text.
Caught up on some blogs....
She came home with May.
Got around to packing my car, and headed to the temple.
Had dinner there, such as it was (for me, and my picky tastes.)
I found a quiet place, and caught up on Science of Mind reading.
And updated my notebook.
And we left....   took May home, then went home ourselves.
Unpacked the car.
Fed the critters.
Got somethin to eat, and read the papers.
And to bed, around 23:00.

HsLS  31
HsLO  936
HsLD  126
H UN  995
Her DO ?   No

from  One Scenario for Mandatory Male Orgasm Denial
When asked, share freely with her, your feelings about the enforced chastity.  Your frustration will provide her some amusement. 

from One Possible Set of Enforced Male Chastity Regulations
He is not allowed to touch his penis without permission, except to shave,  under her supervision. He must keep his genitals hair free, always.

from How to Control Your Husband
4.             You must keep him sexually aroused as much as possible.
1.             Talk sexy to him.
2.             Tell him you are going to make him do something humiliating.
3.             Fondle him, or let him fondle you.
4.             Send him text messages with orders to do something sexual.
5.             Make him give you orgasms frequently.

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