Tuesday, July 28, 2020

10 June, Wednesday, Happy 65 to Stitch, HFC 88

0330 NB and RPBC
0530 Merry to bedroom
  Stitch walked Donna
1000 up AFO
20uB, pills coffee
*Titan Games
M up 1045, back to bed, up 1200
*Deal No Deal
Talked to case? 
 to bedroom with Sunshine
1400 to 1500 nap
 on phone
88 n living room
1830 to living room
  (Sunshine asleep)
*M Minds
*TbbT season 7
10uN pills
Domino's pizza  (from Barb?)
*TBBT 7  ..2230

09 June, Tues, diary, HFC 91-93, 89 in living room

Merry and Donna to bedroom 0030
0230, up for Nutty B
10:00 up AFO dress 20uB pills
coffee to couch
1100 Merry up
*Deal No Deal
1325 Merry And Stitch out, to work
1410 Merry home
 89 in living room, so
1530 to bedroom
*House 6:8
1645 PB on toast, PB and ch, candy
*House 6:9-11
20:00 to living room
*TBBT 12:10
10uN, pills
 steak c/slaw mojos
*TBBT 12:11-15
Merry out 2245 for Stitch
Merry and S home 2330
 to bedroom

08 June, Monday, diary, HFC 85

0845 toilet
shower-shv-b.t. wash hair
dry dress 
20uB, pills, coffee, toilet
1105 out with Merry to SMMC for pre reg and covid test
 meanwhile Rosa called, my PSA .1 so no need for face to face follow up with Dr Gates
1200 done, to ALbertson's
1230 home
*Deal or No Deal
1330 Merry and Stitch out (to work)
Merry home 1415
Merry to Ev (garage door opener) 1508-1545
Merry to bedroom 1600
*Get a Clue
PB and ritz and p.chips
*America Says x 2
*Fam Feud
1920 Merry up
10uN, p;ills
<Fried c, coleslaw, mojo's>
2240 Merry out for S, 2330
brush teeth, spray throat
2340 bedroom, *Jimmy Kimmel

07 June, Sunday, diary, HFC 72 , end mileage 38830

0300 ice cream cone
0850 up ... toilet... feed dog and cat... AFO
wash dishes in sink, 20uB, pills, coffee
*Common Knowledge
diaries through 5:31
*TNR 2:8
1200 Merry up;, donut
*TNR 2:9
*Chain reaction x 2
Merry..shower, and out to LF by 1400
*Fam Feud
ice cream cone
Merry and Stitch home 1630
 gas for car 38755
*Family Feud 
1950 10uN, pills
  stir fry and w rice and ritz cr
*Celeb F Feud
*Press YL
*Match Game
2330 Bedroom  zzzzz
Merry and Donna in bedroom 0200
0230 Klondike bar, cookies, nutty buddy 


06 June, Saturday, Duary, HFC 73

0300 feed Buddha
  get ice cream
0600 feed Buddha
0915 up  AFO 
 feed Donna
10uB  pills 
 cleared sinks, made coffee
Merry up 0930
 talked to Dad
*Chain Reaction x 2
1200 M, to bedroom
*TNR 2:1
  input diaries >> 5:22
*TNR 2:2
DMV for M, online
Run and empty dishwasher
Merry up ...on phone with Lisa 1445
*TNR 2:3
talk with M, get mail
*TNR 2:4
*House 6:5,6
LP 4 of 8
10un pills, Ham turkey cheese sandwich coleslaw, potato chips
*House 6:7
AFO bedroom 2100
*TNR 2:4,5
M to bedroom 2230
*TNR 2:6,7
0015 zzzz 

Monday, July 27, 2020

05 June Friday, HFC 73

0230 <ice cream cone>
 feed Budhha
0910 a rep from SMMC called to schedule covid test on 6/8.
UP poop, feed dog n cat
shower  b/t, shv, dress, AFO, poop
pills coffee
(1100 out Blood draw 1130)
Straighten paperwork
1230 *Winsanity
1400 Merry to market
1415 10uN, cookies
PB and Ritz
*DoND again
 hospital called, said copay $300
M home 1640, out again 1645
Merry home 1745
*master minds
fed Donna
1930 bedroom nap 2200
 1/2 Pastrami from hat, FF
2330 bedroom
*common knowledge
0000 M to bedroom

Sunday, July 26, 2020

04 June, Thursday, Diary, HFC 70, curfew

0145 <4 cookies>
0200  Merry to bedroom
0945  up ...AFO
 20uB, fill pill pox, take pills,
Stitch walked Donna
Merry up 1045
*Deal or No Deal
*the Chase
 Merry, in shower
1345 M out shopping for E
Read TV Guid
1630 M home, out with Stitch to Lake Forest
1650 10uN, PB &C, PC
*The martian
1845 M, home
*Who Wants to Be a M
2045 M to bedroom
*Holey Moley
2200 10uN, pills
 1/2 Pastrami (Hat) + french fries
*To tell the truth
2330 to bedroom
 ...go get M's meds and drink

03 June, Wednesday, Diary, HFC 82 Curfew 38630

0100 Merry to bedroom
0200 <cookies>
0915 up, toilet, shower, b/t, shave, dry, AFO, 
20uB, pills, coffee
Look at Ksr for Stitch, 
Scoop LB in S's room
Hang up laundry from dryer
Put in bedroom
Fill out Ksr app for S
1145 Merry up
Fill out Covered CA dox, put in envelope, and stamp
*House 5:23,24, 6:1
7uN, 5 cookies
*Hose 6:2--4
2030 M out to Ksr RX
20uN, pills <FC , beans n rice>
*Game On

2110 M home
*Jeop--pre empted
reading on Quora
2345 to bedroom

Saturday, July 25, 2020

02 June, Tuesday, Diary, HFC 77, Curfew

0200 PB & Cr and PC

0900 woken by S to go to work
Merry and S, out 0930
1000 up AFo, 20uB, pills
coffee, to couch
talk to M on phone, count something
M home 1230
1315 M out to E
*the Chase
*America Says
*common Knowledge
>ice cream cone
1500 M home
1520 nap...
20 cookies
1750 up
*Family Feud
1830 M out to get S
1930 home
(LP 3 of 4)
*TBBT 12:2,3
*TBBT 12:4
2045 10un pills
grilled ham n cheese, p.chips
*TBBT 12--8
ice cream cone
BR 2300

01 June Monday Diary HFC 79 38575

LB still on covid curfew...
0200 PB crackers n nutty buddy

0915 wake up from Stitch, as he was called in to work early
Merry out with S, 0920, home 1015
1030 up ...AFO...dress
20uB, pills  coffee
change wall calendar
*get a clue
*Deal or no deal
*the chase with Jonathan from master minds
*Master minds
1/4 sandwich turkey n provolone on white
*Get a clue
no PYL, pre empted
Merry, 1500 nap in bedroom
Me nap on couch to 1630
ice cream cone and PB Cr
*America Says
1700 out with M to get S
1740 home   38575
*America Says
*Family Feud x 2
*911 was pre empted
*Titan Games
20:00 10uN, pills
Pork chops n coleslaw
*911 Lone star ...pre empted
*The Wall
*The Chase 
2330 Bedroom
2345 zzzz