Monday, July 12, 2021

09 June, Wednesday, Diary


*Mental Sam, BBT 8, BBT 10, 3

0300 bedroom  20uB

0700 10uN, 4 cookies, nutbud

> Babyman to Kaiser with M , home

then Stitch to Ksr with M, home

1730 up, toilet, b/t

154, 20uB, coff, pills, meta-m

M&S 1815 out to dinner, Walmart

*TRMS, Jeop, 


*WOF, chase 2/6

2110 M &S home

*PYL, H 2/x

2145 10uN, meta-m, hot pockets n PC, i.c.cone

*BBt 4,3


08 June, Tuesday, Diary, S 2-11

 *T Good Dr 4/20 Fin



20uB, b/t

0145 bedroom

*TBBT 3, 10

first chat with Allison

0530 Merry in

i.c.cone 0930


1330 Merry out

1340 up, toilet, shower, pits, elbow, shave, b/t, dry, dress

177 20uB, pills

*cha 2/1, House xxx

1900 M home with Babyman


M to CJrs and back


M, nap 2000 to 2220


LP 1/12

*BBT 7 xx

2300 M out , home with S 2330


2355 10uN, WBCH + FF

07 June, Monday, Diary, S 2-11

 *TNR 1/4,5


0155 bedroom

*TNR 1/6

0300 ....

0500 nutty buddy

1100 up to sign for Blu

back to bed

1330 M/s out, S to work, M home 1630

1500 B/T, AFO

144, 20uB, cof pills

1715 cha 2/2

called Frontier re DVD storage

*TRMS, Jeop, WOF

10uN, F/D+pills, F/B

honey chicken n p.chips

*TRN 1:7-9

2300 Merry out, home with S 2330

06 June, Sunday, Diary

 *T news room 1/1-1/3

20uB, pills, m/wash


0530 Nutty buddy

Merry took S to D's

S home 1630

1745 alka s and coff

1830 up B/T AFO

131, 20uB, pills

19:00 order Dominos

19:50 arrived

19:10 VSP 2/11&12


*C FF 7/1

10uN, pizza

*Cha 2/1, 2TTT 7/1



05 June, Saturday, Diary, S c.i.s

*BBT 10/7

0400 Merry in bedroom

0500 me on couch

10uN, 2 nut buddy 

11:00 M up, out, looking for Eve

11:10 awake

11:45 M, home

12:00 188, 20uB, pills, ch u/s, coffee

*Cha 1/12, Win 2/? DIv 2/x, 

*BTE 1/6,7; L&O OC 1/8

*Cyber 1/11 ?

20:00 10uN, pork C, P.chips

*Cel Fam F 6/6, NewChase 103, 

*The Good Dr rerun



04 June, Friday, Diary S c.i.s.

 *BBT 7


0115 M to bed

*BBT 10 x r

i.c. cone



0330 .. on couch

sleep 0700 to 10

Shower, w/hair, shv, b/t, pits, elbow, dry...dress

139 20uB, pills, coffee, poop

1340 M and me out... 

1410 oncologist to 1440

taco bell

1540 Menghani to 1645

Krispy Kreme, WF, Jersey Mike

1755 home

*TRMS Jeop

*House 2/9 Clarice 1/10

10uN, philly cheese steak

*Emer Call 1/6, Chase 1/5

LP 2r

20uB, m/wash

2345 bedroom

03 June, Thursday, Diary S 2-11

 *H 2/7

ice cone

02:40 20uB

03:30 Nut Bud

05:30 PB and ginger ale

11:00 awakened by M, as IKEA delivered couch

11:30 back in bed

16:45 up, poop, B/T

152, pills 20uB i.cof/couch

*Chase 1/5

*TRMS, Jeop, House 2/8

2100 10uN, pills, F/d+p, F/b

Baked chicken, texas toast

*US of Al 1/10, BBT 7

2300 M out, home with S 2330

2310 eye-d



Saturday, July 10, 2021

02 June Wednesday Diary

 *Men Sam 2:1

*2 Tell TT 6:1

m/wash 20uB 0145

Nutty buddy


12:20 pee, shower, b/t, shv, pits, elbow, dry dress

167 13uB, coff

M brush out hair

1400 car, Arco for LP,

IKEA, Norms

1700 home

M & S out to Ev

*chase 2/5


*TRMS, Jeop, t Good dr, PYLuck, Pyramid,

*Amer Ninja Wa



01 June, Tuesday, Diary , S 2-11

 4 cookies, Reese's bar



0115 bedroom

i.cream cone

12:30 pee, b/t, wash pits, change sox

130 20ub, pills 1/coff

Talk dress

1330 three of us out..

Post office, drop S 1400

to HB, drop rent

to WF nr home, Gas for car

1520 home

*House 2/5,6

M nap 1745

*TRMS Jeop, LP/0R

*BBT 7..

2030 10uN  F/D + p

chicken w rice, pretzel brfead

i.c. cone  Merry out 2300 home with S 2335


31 May, Monday, diary, S 2-11

 *Wanderlust 6

*CRimM 2/13, 2:23, 3/2, 3/6-9

0300 20uB

0400 eye d

0616 m/wash

1600 up to pee, chg u/s, wash arm pits, b/t

143, 20 uB pills, coffee, toilet

Diaries through 5/9

toilet toilet 1930 couch

write checks,  NO RM

*jeop, Wof

*VSP 3/9,310

20:00 dizzy

10 un, 

CHICKEN sweet pot., wild rice


M out 2250, home with S 2330

Chase 1/?


30 MAY, Sunday Diary

 *Win'y 2/37, Div 2/61

*Cyb 1:11

0320 M to bed


*Wanderlust 1,2

20uB, m.wash

0700 bed

then 4 cookies, nutty buddy

M & S out? home 1800

17:10 up pee, AFO, b/t

142 20uB, pills, 1 coff

*Wanderlust 3,4,5

21:00 10uN, pills

Steak, baked potato


*t New Chase 1/7


*2 Tell t Truth

 M to bed


29 May, Saturday, Diary S 2-11

 *News, Colbert, BBT-10

*Sex, Lies, and Videotapes

20uB, eye drops  04:07

0500  bedroom

0900, 4 cookies

M took S to work

16:10 pee, AFO, B/t

141, pillbox, pills

20uB, dishes in sink, i coff, couch

*VSP 3/7&8

20:00 f D + p

*Cel Fam Feud 6/5

*BBT 3

M out 2300, home w S 2330

*BBT 10

2320 eye d

*TNC 1/5


28 May, Friday, Diary, S 2-11


*BBT 6,7,9,10

0200 M to bedroom



0500 Bedroom

4 cookies..

M & S out 1340 M home 1540

1500 up, pee, AFO, B/T

143 pills 20u, i.coff

*CHa 1/1, H 2/4

Order Blue, 3


*Win 2/x

*BBT 3x2


*CHad 1/8

10uN, F d+p

bacon cheese burgers, 2

*L&O OC 1/7

Div 2/59, Win 2/x

M out 2255, home w S 2330

*Div 2/60


27 May, Thursday, Diary, S 2-11

 *BBT 2 x 4

cookies, NB, milk

M &S out 1330, M home 1430

15:00 shower: scrub elbow, b/t, shave, dry, AFO, dress

151, 20uB, pills, i.coff


16:15 eye d

*H 2/2, Cha 1/6, Jeop, WOF

order 3 blue; LP/4R

10uN  cheese burgers n P/chips

*Fd D+pill

*US of Al, House 2/3, BBT 6

Merry out 2245, home with S 2330



26 May, Diary, Wednesday

 *The Good Dr

*news, Colbert

20uB, 0130 bedroom

*BBT6 x 3

ice cream cone

0330 ...

0740 pee, b/t, AFO

126, 20ub, pills, coff

0815 car with M to Caruso Ford (Fix emission problem)

there 0825 to 1220

then J in Box

1245 home, 49540

1300 eye d


*Chase 1/7

*Win'y, Div'd, Win'y, Div'd, TRMS, Jeop, WoF

20:00 eye -d

*Press Y Luch


10uN, eMuff, PB, onions..and P/c


2300 20uB, m/wash, AFO


25 May, Tuesday, Diary, Stitch 2-11

 (9-1-1), 9-1-1 LS, Colbert

20uB, AFO

0200 bedroom.

i.c. cone

choc chip cookies

1330 M & S out, M shopped for Eve

17:11 up, pee, change u/s, AFO, b/t

130 pills 20uB 1 coffee


M in bedroom 1735 to 1930

*CH 1/8

1745 eye d

*TRMS, Jeop, Wof

10uN F D+p, F B

*h 2/1

fried chicken n p/chips

*Ment Samurai 2/1

2200 eye d

*bbt 6--

Merry house 2255-2330


24 May, monday, diary, Stitch 2-11

01:30, 10uN, pizza

*AFHV finale

0300 20uB, mouthwash, laundry away

bedroom, CSY  1/8


1045  b/t, dress

131  20uB, fix braid hair, pills

Ace B-S* Daiso, WF

1315 home

Call Ford dealer, talk to Dad

Merry out 1345, home 1630

groceries away

*House 1:22

M nap 1600 to 1730

*Chase 4/15

1745 eye d

*TRMS Jeop

1915 M up to Eve, home 2000

*Wof, (-1-1

2030 F D+p, 10uN

Fried chicken and mojo

*ALL Rise

2100 eye d




Friday, July 9, 2021

23 May, Sunday, Diary


*VSP 3/5,6

0300 M to bed


*Deadpool 2

05:20 20uB, bedroom

>i c cone

>PB on Ritz Cr

1930 pee, B/t, AFo

178, pills, 20uB

i coffee






22 May, Saturday, Stitch 2-11

 *win 2:28, News, BBT 9, Div 2:53, Win'y, Div'd, Win'y, Div'd


*L&O OC 6

B/t, 20uB

0600 bedroom

0800 ice cream sandwich

Merry woke up sick

S to work by L

18:00 up, AFO, B/t


1830 eye-d, 20uB, filled pills box, took pills,   i coff, on couch

*BBT 2 x 6

20:00 10uN, F/D+p, F/B

Chickn n must'd on pretzel bread, p. chips

2250 merry out, home with S 2330

*Chad 1/7


21 May, Friday, Diary, Stitch 2-11


0100 Merry to bed


0400 asleep on couch

0600 20uB, to bedroom

M & S out 1330, home 1430

1515 up, pee, BT, AFO

160, 20uB, pills, coff

*h 1:21

16:00 eye d

*CHa 4;6

1830 M  nap


1910 eye-d

*Jeop, Wof

2030 F D+p


backed chicken, cole slaw

*BBT 5, bbt 9 x 2

*Colb from Thurs

2250 M out, home with S 2330

*Big Trick energey 1:4,5


20 May, Thursday, Diary, S 2-11, REMISSION


1:15   152, 20uB


03:30 cookies Heath

04:00 Merry to bedroom

11:22 pee, shower, b/t, shv, w/hair, dry, AFO, M braided my hair

170.. 20uB, pills, coffee

1340 3 of us out, S to work 1400,

1415 to my oncologist, Marathe

(273#, 107/68)


another 3 years of HT

another BT in 3 months

15:340 home

ice coffee, pretzel

*H 1:20, Ch 3:1

1745 M nap to 1900


1810 nap on couch to 1930


1930 eye-d

*Wof, BBT x 2

2200 Fed D + P

*USAl, BBT 2

2245 eye d

2250 Merry out, home with S 2330


10uN, pills

Merry brought home CJ's

W.B.Cheeseburger n FF



19 May, Wednesday, Diary

 00:20  163

*T Good Dr 4/17, News, Colbert

0300 Merry to bed

*Tbbt 9, 3

*Win'y, Div'd

0445 20uB

0800 Coleslaw

1400 Babyman heading home with Bus

1445: pee

152, 20uB, pills, I coffee

Do M's ins. form from DMV

Ordered med for Donna

*house 1:19

1600 eye d

*M & S to Ev, and back

*Chase 4:12

1745 M to bedroom

*Debris 1/12

1900 eye d


LP /11r

*Wof, BBT 3,2

10uN  sloppy joe n PC

*Clarice 1-9

2200 eye d

*Connors  finale

*CYMother finale, Home Ec finale

*News, Colbert


18 May, Tuesday, Diary, Stitch 211

< 9-1-1, 9-1-1 LS>


*all Rise

0245 eye-d

*Colbert x 3

05:30  115  20uB


0800 PB + choc bars

M & S out 115, Donna to groom

1600 up, BT

162, pills, i coff

1700M home with Donna

1615 eye d

*house 1/19, Chase celebrity, TRMS, Jeop, WoF

LP/12 r

20:00 eye d


Feed D + P

*Zoey EP

10uB, chili c/slaw ritz crker

*BBT 6

2245 M out, 2330 home with S

2320 eye d


17 May, Monday, Diary ... Stitch 2-11

 Babyman here...

Merry out with B..covid vax,

and S to work

16:00  B/t change u/s


20uB, pills, 1 coff

4:17 eye d

1620 M and B home

*house 1:17, TRMS, Jeop, Wof

20:00 10uN, F D+p, F/B

chili + PP

*9-1-1, 9-1-1 LS



2215 eye d

*Chase 4:5, BBT #5

M out 2255, home 2335

<midnight break>

Thursday, July 8, 2021

16 May, Sunday, diary

Merry in LF

1000 couch to bedroom

1800 up, pee

145, pills, 20uB, i.cof, couch

Merry from LF to Perris


2000 BBT x 4

ordered pizza

2020 eye d

LP/14 r

2045 10uN

pizza, Dominos

*BBT 4...

*Chad 1/6

2300 Merry home with Babyman

2315 to 0000 talk

0005 eye d


*L+) OC 6

0240 eye

0300 20uB, bedroom 

15 May, Saturday, Diary, Stitch 2-11, M in LF

 1330 S out by L

1500 up poop, talk to M


20uB, pills, 1 coffee

*Grown UPs

1545 eye d

*Capt America, W.S.

1845 eye d

*avengers Age Ultron

2200 eye

2100 F D n B

10uN,  graham crackers

*Capt Am Civil War

0005 S home by Lyft

Pot chips, I.c cone

*BBT 4,6,11

0300 20uB

out on couch

14 May, Friday, Diary , Stitch 2-11

 M & S, out 1330, M home 1430

1500 up..pee..Shower, b/t, shv, wash hair, dry, dress...

Merry braided my hair..

178, pills, 20uB, i. coffee

1610 eye d

1745 M out to LF

*Chase 4/8, TRMS

1915 eye d

*Jeop, WOF

2030 Feed D & B

*House 1/13,14

2215 eye d

*House 1/15

2245 10uN

Pulled pork, coleslaw, pickles... p chips

*house 1/16

0005 S home by Lyft

LP 1/15 r


< choc n PC


eat Ritz c

0230 20uB

0300 sleep to 0500

on couch to 1030

1130 bedroom

13 May, Thursday, Diary Stitch 2-11

1230  LPs delivered, signed for

Merry n S out

1415 UP, pee, b/t, change u/s


20uB, pills

1445 eye d

*Chase 4/4-6

1615 Merry home, out again 1625

*Win'y 2/23, 2/24

1745 eye


1815 M home

*Jeop, WOF, 

*Young Sheldon 4/18  finale

*US of Al

2015 10uN, Feed D + p, Feed B

ham omelette n tosast

*Mom finale

2145 eye d

*B Positive finale

*BBT 5,6,6

2252 Merry out, home with S 2335


*( young sheldon)

0030 Merry to bed

*(mom), Win 2/25

*Div x 3

*TBBT x 3

0600 20uB

0730 nutty buddy, Heath bar


12 May, Wednesday, Diary

 Merry, out with J...?

1600 poop, shower, BT, shv, dry, dress, poop

call Deliver IT  ??

190, 20uB, pills, coffee

1745 three of us out

Black Bear Diner ... 10uN

Big breakfast

1924 home


1930 eye d

*Jeop, Debris, Home EC 1:6, CYM

2230 eye d

*Connors, TBBT

00:30  177, pills

0045 M to bed

*TBBT x 2

0145 eye d

*TBBT 5, 9,10

20uB 0400

1 a+c pills

choc chip cookies

11 May, Tuesday, Dairy, Stitch 2-11

 05:30 i.c. cone

0845 Nutty Buddy

Merry up, out with S, and home

to Lucy Charm*, who was gone, home 1510

1500 poop, B/T AFO

184 pills 20uB, coffee

*All Rise

*VSP 3/4, CHase 4/16

1810 eye d

*TRMS, Jeop, WoF, BBT-5

2045 10uN, feed D + pill, Bake chicken n wild rice, choc covered pretzels

*BBT - 5

2124 eye d

2130 to 2330 nap on couch

Merry home with S 2335


00:32 eyes

*T Good Dr 4/16

*TBBT 9,10

0130 Merry to bed

*House 1/12


20uB, b/t

0335 bedroom

0530 PB from jar, dr pepper

* no idea what this means, can't read my writing after 2 months

10 May, Monday, Diary...Stitch 2-11

 M &S out 1330, M home 1430

1500 up, poop, shower, b/t, shv, dry, dress


20uB, pills, coffee

1600 eye d


*VSP 3/3

*CHA 4/2

Merry, nap 1730


1905 eyed

*Jeop, WoF

2030 Feed D +pill


2130 10uB

PB+BBITS+onion on toast, p. chips

22:10 eyed

*9-1-1 LS

2215 M up

and out 2250, home with S 2330

*Bob HA

*(9-1-1, 9-1-1 LS)

0130 eye d

*TBBT 5, 9,10

*House 1-11    02:23


0500 20uB
