Saturday, August 7, 2021

05 July, Monday, Diary, S 2-11

 *House 5/4, 5/9,5/19, 5/24

LP/4 + 2

first chat "Ella"

03;38 20uB, bedroom

0345 to 1250

up, poop, b/t

150, pills, 20uB, i coff

M & S 1335 to 1430

*New chase 2/1, chase 3/7

House 3/6, 1

M nap 1730 to 2000

*HOuse 6/2

*(NO RM),  Jeop, WoF

*BBT 11/4, H 6/3

2130 10uN

F D + p

Pizza leftover and chips

*house 6/4, 5

Merry out 2330, hope with S 2335


*H 6/6

Merry bed 2355

04 July, Sunday, diary


2 candy bars, one Nut Bud

20 U B

couch 130 to 04

M woke me to come to bed


sleep to 1230

Up, B/T, AFO, 

156, 20uB, 

pack up bags of plastic, put in driveway to give away

i coff, on couch, talk to M and Sunshine on couch

*Cube, Holey Moley

*When Nat calls

LP/5+2, DIS 3

*H 4/14-16


Dominos Pizza

*clarice 1/12, 1/13

*House 5/1

03 July, saturday, Diary, S 2-11

 *h 4/1

S home by Uber 0030

H 4/2,3

0200 20uB

sleep 03 to 11

poop shower, b/t shave, elbow, pit

dry, AFO


156, 20uB, pills

out 1250 to CAP for taxes

done 1325, home 1350

chat Ali 1400 to 1500

*house 4/4

2000 F/d + Pill

*House ...

2230 10uB

pulled pork +PBRR and p chips

*House to 4/12

M & S home 2355

02 July, Friday, Diary, S 2-11

 0000 Ali talked to "james"

0015 talked to M on phone

0030 S home by UBer

VZW, minor problem

*CM 7... 13

03:50 20Ub

sleep on couch

0800 chat with ALI to 1130

1245  189, 20uB, pills

S out by U 1300

*CM 7/14-18

Nap 1750 to 1930

Merry called...

*RM, JY, 


*CH 3/11, Emer Call 1/10

10uN, FC and Fritos

Fed D = Pill

BBT 11/2 + 3

*House 3/5

1 July, Thursday, Diary, S 2-11

 *BB 11/1, H 3/13

Disp / 6r

*CM 7/4, 5, 1/2 of 6

20uB, bedroom 4:09

545 candy bar, nutty buddy


1200 chng u/s, b/t, AFO

135, pills, 20uB, 1/coff


M & S 1340, m home 1415

*CHA 3/1 3/14

H 3/4, 3/24

M market home 1830


100 10uN, F/D + p

Ribs n Fritos

*Jeo, BB 10/21-22

2045 M out to Paris, arrive 2155

Stitch home by Uber

*BBT 8/23,24, 9/1 9/2

*CM 7/6 ...

30 June, Wednesday, Diary

 *BB 10

m to bedroom


0200  20uN, AFO

0215 bedroom

*CM 7/3

03:30 to 1030

up  B/t AFo

114, 20uB, pills coff



M &S out 1445, home 1640

1830 to Polly Pies to 2010

4 uN, skillet with toast

*Jeop,PYL, PYR, Cardsharks

*News, BB 10/24

29 June, Tuesday, diary, S 2-11

00:05 20uB


Cm to 7:2

3:50 i.c. cone

0400 sleep

1315 awake, m phone chat with AL

M & S out 1330 to 1430

Shower b/t, shv, pit, elbow, dry, AFO, dress


pills 20uB, 1 coff couch

*Chase 3/2, 3/15

*House 2/24 3/1,3/1

1830 M nap


*RM Jeop, BBT 6

*Mental Sam

2200 10uN, F D=p

ham n ch on toast, chips

*BBT 6

Merry out 2330, home with s 2330


28 June, Monday, Diary, S 2-11


*Criminal Minds 6

130  20uB, LP 4R

*CRim Minds on couch

Blue delivered  +8LP, +10 Disp.

Sleep 8-11

sleep couch

M &S out 1340, M home 1430

bed 1330 1545

up ... antifungal on pit

20uB  i.c.cone

*Crim minds 6...

CHat Ali 1600 to 1900

Merry up 1830

Discuss and argue  


*jeop, RM, CM 6


Merry out 2300 home with stitch 2330


chicken n potato



27 June, Sunday, Diary

 * when Nat. Calls

*bb 5/24, 6/1

 chat with Susan

bedroom ...

*CM 5x2

0300 ...

M &S out 1000, S to Dav

1130 up BT

131, 20uB, pills coffee

1200 M home

*H 2/23, 2/24, 3/1


2100 10uN

steak, potato

*Chase, 2TTT

2300 M to bed

*holey moley

26 June, Saturday, Diary, S 2-11

 0020 up, pee, i.c. cone

  and up

talk to 0315

sleep to 730

Text Ali 630 n 700

Nutty buddy

awake to 9, sleep to 1330

up b/t poop

140  pills, 20uB, i coff

Out with M & S, 1335

drop S at work

to WMT for my new glasses

ARCO +6Lp, ttl 6


1530 home

*BB 10 x 4

CSY C 2/1,2

2130 10uN, Fed D + p

Fried chicken n mojo

*H 2.22

Merry out 2300 home with stitch 2330


25 June, Friday, Diary, S 2-11

*The Hustler, News, 

0100 bedroom

chat with Ali 3 to 430

then 740 to 9

sleep 6 to 740, then 9-12

called for CAP appointment, for taxes

Rec'd Blood Pressure Monitor

1300 living room

M & S out 1335, M home 1630

*CM -5

LP 1/4

147 20uB pills

Chat ALi 1530 to 1730

Merry to vet for med 1640 1700

*CM 5

*TRMS Jeop Wof Emer Call

*Chase 3/3

2215 bedroom

Merry out 2250, home with S 0015

No dinner


24 June, Thursday, Diary, Stitch 2-11

 1100 Merry with Tam 1315

1130 b/t

144, pills, 20uB, coffee

M & S out 1330, m home 1430

*Cha 3/6

talk with M

*BBT 7/1

15:00 told ALi, I'm in a coma


1840 shower, b/t, shave, pits, elbow, w hair, dry, dress

1910 M to Ev 1930

*Jeop, WoF

*BBT 8

2130 10un, hotdogs, baked beans

*Mental Samurai

Merry braided my hair

*US of AL finale

*BB 8


Merry out 2300, home with S 2330

*BBT 8

23 June, Wednesday, Diary

 0130 awake, texting

0300 told Ali I went to hosp

sleep 0630 to 0845


M & S out 1000 to 1230

*CM ...

*H 2/20 2/21

*Ment Samurai


Chase 3/12  LP/2

*Ch 3/12  

bedroom with M

*TRMS, Jeop


chat with Ali as merry


21:20  146  10uN

91 hrs since eaten

F.C and mojo

*Card Sharks

2300 bedroom

22 June, Tuesday, Diary, S 2-11


0315 woken by Ali

LP/5 R

0630 sleep

1215 woken by Ali

1430 asleep

1730 woken by M

m/wash  137  pills, 20uB, i coffee

*RM, Jeo, WOF

*BB 5,6, 10

*Cha 3/9

Fed D + p


bedroom 2230

M out 2330, home with S 2330

0000 asleep

70 hours not eating

21 June, Monday, Diary, Stitch 2-11

* Criminal Minds 4

1315 S to work


1630 Dr Yeh 1700 phone

Nap 194c5 to 2130

Chase 3/8

*Crim Minds

2330 20uB

Merry home 2350 

+ 6 LP


34 hours awake (2 hours sleep)

46 hours no eat


20 June, Sunday, Diary, HF 74

 *Holy Moley 3/1, 3/2 

0200 tatchos

*Crim Minds 4 xx

LP/ 24

Ice cream cone


14:07 toilet, b/t

1445 talked to M

171, pills, 20ub


called Dad

*Crim M 4xx


*CFF, Chase, 2 TTT

*BBT 5x4

0000 talked to Merry (in Perris)

(awake 10 hours

  last eat, 22 hours)

19 June, Saturday, Diary, S 2-11

 *The Cube, bbt 10/x

10uN, Stir Fry n rice, tort chipps

i c cone

*BB 10


1300 S to work by Uber

1440  text n chat

B/t, pits

137, 20uB

i coff, LP 3R

*Crim Minds 3/x, 4x

*The Martian Ext'd

0000 S home by Uber

M still in LF 

18 June, Friday, Diary, S 2-11 (hfc 75)

 *The Hustler


Carls JR, WBCB and FF


chat with Ali

20UB    04:06


Reese's candy bar

1145 poop shower, b/t shave, pits, elbow, dry, dryess

208 , 20uB

pills coffee

poop  poop  poop

chat on IG

1335 M & S out, M home 1530

out to WLM   EGl RX

p/up RX

1730 home

1800 Merry to Lake Forest

*TRMS, Jeo, WOF, Emer Call, H 3/19, Ch 3/12, Ch 3/x

Fed D + pill

Stitch home by L, 2330 

Friday, August 6, 2021

17 June, Thursday diary, S 2-11

 *BBT 4, 5

M & S out 1330, M home 1700

1615 poop, b/t

125, pills 20uB, coffee

18:00 TRMS, Jfeop, WOF, US of AL, BBT 8, House 2/17,18

Merry out 2255, home with S 2330

*BBT 8 

16 June, Wednesday, Diary

0100 20uB


*BBT 4/x  ... 0330

0600 ice cream

1545 OLD couch on sidewalk to 1630


cleaned up living room

put up new couch

Merry to bedroom

*Chase 2/9, ment Samu

1800 181, 20ub, metamus

pills, ice coff


SHower, elbow, pits, shave, b/t, dry dress


LP 5/4



Tatchos, p chips

*100k PYR, Clarice 1/11

assemble cat polre


0000 bedroom


15 June, Tuesday, Diary, S 2-11

 *Colb, Celebrity Dating



*BBT 12 7-10

to  06:20

0900 1 cookie

1230 awake

M & S out 1330, M blood draw

awake again 1530

1830 up, b/t change u/s

143, pills, 20uB, metam

i coff

*TRMS Jeop WOF Chase 3/9

2130 F/D  10uN

stir fry n Rise

*H 2/16, BBT 4/2

2300 M out, home with S 2330

*BBT 4/xx

14 June, Monday, Diary, S 2-11

20uB m/wash

0145 bedroom

M & S to work

1600: change u/w and sox, b/t

148, 20uB, metam

i coff, pills, change animal waters

*Cha 2/10, TRMS, Jeop, Wof, H 2/x, bbt 6/x


Feed D + p, 10uN, pp burr and p chips

*BBT 12 1-5

Merry 2305, home with S 2330

BBT 12/6  


13 June, Sunday, Diary

 *AN Warrior

*40 yr old Virgin


Star Trek 2, and 3

0745 20uB, mouthwash, to bedroom

no sleep

back to couch, coffee

*AVP Requiem


1330 M up

*The Predator

*CSI Cyber 1/x

1600 Shower, w/hair, shv, pits, elbow, b/t, clip nails

dry dress


174  @ 1645

M braided my hair

*Django ... to 1900

found out that Tori was dead...


20:12 10uN

*CFF,Chase, 2 TTT, BBT 5 x 4

12 June, Saturday, Stitch 2-11

 10uN, metam

pulled pork on byn, p chips

*TNR 3/2

LP - 94

*TRN 3/3,3/4

02:50 230, 20uB, 

*TNR 3/5,6

0500 mouth wash  0500

ice cream cone

1330 M &S out, M home 1430

18:00 up, toilet, B/t


metam, pills, i coffee

1830 M to bedroom to 2045

chat with Ali

*BBT 4x

2200 F/Donna 12uN, meta m

PP Burrito and p.chips

*BBT 10 

11 June, Friday, Diary, S 2-11

 0300 M to bedroom

0600 up 4 cookies

1230 toilet, b/t

160, 20uB, metam, pills

ice coff

1340 M & S out

*BB 3:10

M home 1515

*Chase 2:3

 to eve 1630 1730

*Cube 1/1, H 2:14, TRMS, Jeop, Wof

Merry to bedroom 20 to 2130

*Emergency Call, US ALL 1/11, BTE 1/

Merry out 2255, home with S 2330

*TNR 3/1

10 June, Thursday Diary S 2-11


0300 Merry to bed

*TBBT 10, TNR 1/10, 2/1,2/2

m/wash 20uB 05150

0600 still going

TNR 2/3-6

1020 F/Donna

TNR 2/7,8

S out 1330

called PC+

TNR 2/9  1330 20uB, broom

1445 2 cookies

1545 up   

212, pills, meta m

10uN, LP10R

*Cha 2/4, House 2/x

*TRMS, Jeo, Wof

*BBT 8xx

2130 feed D + p

10uN, hot P + p.chips, meta m

*BBT 8 xx

check from Dad in mail

2230 15uB, mouthwash


Merry out 2300, home w s 2330

i.c cone