watched The NewsRoom 1:9-10
bed 0200
UP 0600 to pee and feed animals
up 800 talking to Dad about November
up a few more times
UP with alarm 1430
showered dressed
Merry called; my ear dr called her to ask if I could come in earlier than 1600.
She had forgotten about it, but was still stuck in LF anyway
I just had to put on pants and shoes, and I was out.
Arrived 1540...
Shown into chair ...drops in ear, waited 15 minutes, clean out completed in 5 minutes.
Then on to a hearing test.
Results similar to many years ago.... bad at low frequencies, trouble in distinguishing between consonants.
Have I considered hearing aids ....Not at prices as I was quoted.
Doctor said she'd have one of her minions see if my insurance would cover.
OUt 1649,
Home 1700, saw Merry in the driveway unloading her stuff from LBs car in the driveway.
Upstairs, we talked a bit...
Nap 1735 to 1755
Up and toilet... she went looking for me, afraid that I had left without..
kissed good bye
Car 1814 office 1921
In 1933
D told me, company PUC license has been suspended. Mostly paperwork error. but..
we are still operating ILlegally. Oh well.
AND D has to take his wife tomorrow for upper and lower colonoscopy, he'll be out for the day, with NOBODY to cover... no big deal really, but S who will be there, wants out early for an HB event and would like me in an hour 'or so' early so he can leave...
Spoke to Merry around 20:00, after I got back from my usual just-got-to-the-office-need-to-get-to-the-toilet break.
Well, it's a damn lot cooler here than ...well at home ...
and D just went out and brought back Taco Bell dinner....
and watching The News Room starting with season 2: 1-3
and out 00:00
I missed you this weekend, but glad you had some time with Stitch