Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sept 29 Saturday Diary

Up 0500  for chips n budgeting...
back to bed
u 0800
Fed dog, made coffee, 
settled in for football
West Va vs Tx Tech first
then OU vs Baylor
and made scrambled eggs with ham and toast, for Stitch and myself
Near end of game, Denny text again, asking if I could/would work tonight.
I said, "If M will bring car..."
He said he could get me a ride.
Okay...we agreed on 20:00
I went for a nap at 1630.
Up 2x during to pee
up 1915 and dressed
Text to thing 1 at office to say I was ready...
picked up 1940

In 20:34
TWW 1:22, 2:1,2, 
out 23:59 
Stress 3--4

Sept 28 Friday Diary

In 00:01
TWW  1;15-21
out 5:51
Stress dont remember

home 649
contacts out
fed animals
Tried to take a nap go
Up 820 showered dressed
M, up and showered
in car 905 to Urologist
930  - 1100
Retrograde ejaculation?
They put in for an MRI fo rme
then gas
then a Von's for $20 worth of sodas and stuff
to Dr N
in 11:30, in room 1200 ... out 1300
Home 1315
dinner chili n cheese
to bed
M, out to LF  around 1800
woke up 20:00 for pie
Saw texts from  Thing 1 asking me to come in tonight (NO)
and one from Denny asking about working Sat night .
I was angry in my reply, which amounted to, IF M would bring the car back to me
A text to M, and she said, 'no you need to rest' ..
 later found out, she mostly said that, because she thought I wanted her to say that.
back to bed
up 2300 for PB and crackers.
back to bed

Friday, September 28, 2018

Sept 27th Thursday Diary

In 0022
TWW 1:8-11
out 559
s:  3-4

Home 7:30
contacts out
fed animals
Chili n cheese
read a little
bed 0830
up x  x
up 1720
shower dress contacts in
Was abrupt with Sunshine about not letting M out long enough to let me know what was happening this weekend..
car 1800
  flipping out  thinking I would be relieving F then alone for the night
office 1931
Upstairs to toilet...didn't quite make it, had to clean up and change my briefs
In 1946
The server was being changed, so they had no access to V. until as I walked in...some catch up to do..and just in time.
F in a hurry to get out as usual
Not taking lunch when there's no one here to give me an opportunity
Phones from all sources going NUTS
TWW 1:12-14
Stress close to 9  until midnight when things called down and phones stopped ringing, mostly

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sept 26th diary

In 0029
TWW 1:1-7
Out 5:52
Stress 3--4

Home 7;19
Fed animals
contacts out
Chili n onions    some reading
Bed 0830
Up  x  x   x
Up 1730
  M had been to walmart for rx and sundries, and was leaving to go to a pegging class with her FBB

Showered dressed  contact lens in
car 1811  stopped for liqpods
rolling 1819
office 1939
in 1952
very quiet night 
out 2359
stress  3+  which spiked much higher when D told me, I'd be relieving F on Thursday, and working alone from then on.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sept 25 Tuesday Diary

in 00:26
NR  3:1-5
Leftover pizza in the office
out 05:34
Stress hanging around 8 until I got some ride in Knoxvilled confirmed at 0300, then it dropped, then I had to deal with Fx News a couple times... 
Overall  4+

Home 632

Chili n onions  n chips
reading contacts out
bed 0800
up 1000, 1200... 1645
UP 17:00  
shower dress contacts in  
Sunshine used the toilet while I showered...talked about whether butt plugs effect constipation
Kissed Sunshine goodbye
Car 1742
Stress on the way to work 8-9, worried about being alone as soon as I arrived, and doing pm set up for Wednesday
office 1909
in 1921
Set up for Wednesday had been done
Tuesday night was covered.
Mostly easy peasy
TNR 3:6 
out 23:59
stress at work  4+

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


In 0024
TNR 2:5-9
out 05:49
5 shifts down, 4 to go
Stress 3...  did I have an outside call at all? I don't remember one.

Home 6:53
M was still awake, got up, and fixed scrambled eggs with chopped ham n brown rice, and toast.
contacts OUT
bed 0830

up 11:00

Up 1700, turned off upcoming alarm
UP 1730 when I really had to pee
Showered dressed contacts IN
Kissed M good bye, then
After a discussion about the Hershey's bar that she got for herself and not for me...
She said, 'I got you Kleenex!"
I said, "Can I eat Kleenex? Is it chocolate covered? Does it have almonds?"
She said, "Fuck you," and went on into the bedroom.
checked VCR to make sure it was set for upcoming shows
Car 1817
Stopped at CH for gas
Office 1929
In 1939
All quiet until res agents sent closing email at 2100, saying that a ride in Knoxville at 645 was unconfirmed, with NO contact with the affil.
I called, got answering service  (00:30 in Knoxville).
So, sitting and waiting...
Out 23:59
Stress  8+ due to the above notation about Knoxville....

Monday, September 24, 2018

Sept 23 Sunday Diary

in 0022
NR 1;9,10  2;1-3
out 05;55
stress 3+

home 655
S was home to feed animal
MDM pork chops n chips
contacts out
bed 0800
up 1100
alarm 1715
up 1830
shower contacts in  dress
Kissed M good bye
car 1905 office 2001
in 20:09
not much to do, Denny had things well in hand, 
TNR 2;4
out 23:59
stress 3+

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sept 22nd, Saturday

In 0034
w   TWW 7:19 -22 then NR 1:1-4
OUt 7:04
stress  3+

Home 804
Stitch fed the animals
MDM Steak n baked potato
spent sometime online cancelled my electronic sub to NYT. 
Contacts out
bed 09
Up 12
alarm 1715
up 1735
showered dressed
contacts In
OU vs Army getting started on pay per view.
  OU favored to win by 31
Kissed M good bye
car 1820
looking at game updates on my phone
OU up by 7, then it was tied... and went into OT
OU won in OT, 28 - 21
Office 1929
In 1936
Night work was 'done', Denny was working on set up for Sunday AND Monday
watched NR 1:4-8
Out 23:59
Stress 3+  which means, just waiting for something good or terrible to happen

Saturday, September 22, 2018

September 21, Friday diary

In 00:22 
TWW 7:9-15
out 6:04
Stopped for gas 
home 7:23
Online checked credit cards
MDM  polish sausage and brown rice
Bed 0900
up 11
up 1515
up 1715
Showered n dressed
M called to tell me about a fender bender in a supermarket parking lot
Kissed her good bye
Car 1816 
office 1938
In 1946
Not much going on
TWW 7:16 -18, start 19
out 23:59
STRESS 3.0 as low as it gets at work, waiting for some phone to ring...

Friday, September 21, 2018

September 20 Thursday diary

In 00:22
TWW  06:22, 7;1--7
Out 5:58
Stress  3..4
Stop for liq pods
home 7:25
Online, paid AAA dues
MDM   melted cheese on buns and coleslaw
Bed 0900
up 1100
up 1500
up 1700
UP 1725
shower dressed
Kissed M good bye
car 1757
office 1922
In 2nd floor office
Could not log into dispatch program (forgot my password)
Borrowed the CEOs to get into the program
Locked out of program for 30 minutes for failed logins
tried a couple times
Finally remembered my password and got in
Working alone after 1930 because mgmt would not authorize Denny to come in cover Thing 1.
Out 23:57
Stress 7..8

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sept 19 Wednesday Diary

watched TWW 6-16,17
ate onion rings n FF that M brought home from a much
sleep up sleep up sleep up

730 fed animals

up n down out of bed

up 1700
showered dressed...
sat around, thinking about throwing up ...
finally stomach calmed down...
kissed Sunshine good bye
car 1834  office 1933 
To toilet, but now it's locked, had to go into Disp to get the key ..

In 19: 49
Find out , dispatch and rez is moving down to 2nd floor, to stay until mid October when our space in encino might be ready.
TWw 6:18 -- 21
out 23;59
stress  3--4 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Sept 18 Tuesday Diary

Up 1000
watched AHS 1  with Merry 

Merry ran out to be with E
watched TWW 6: 8-15'

Dinner, last of the sausage/potato/peppers/onions mix

Sept 17 Monday Diary

TWw 6:3-7
eat pork with rice n black bens
bed 0200

sleep all day

up 1430  shower n dress
to Dr B with Merry
then Smart n Final
prepped for dinner  (cut up potatoes, peppers, onions, sausage)

cooked up the dinner
watched  rerun of "Mom"

Sept 16 Sunday Diary

up 0900

contacts in

watched "Serenity" with Stitch
TWw 6:1,2

up 2215  
talk with Sunshine....

Sept 15 saturday diary

up xxx 
0830   M made orange rolls
OU football  09 to 1245
TWw  5:20, 21, 22  6;1
went through mail

Dinner  taquitos


September 14th Friday Diary

in 0022
TWW 5:11-19, st 20
out 606
in LB gas  712  
then blood draw
home 815
eat ?  sleep 1000

up xxx
contact lenses out
up 19:00    sore throat
some tv
eat fried chicken and cole slaw

Friday, September 14, 2018

Thursday Sept 13th Diary

Out 0015
TWW 5:5-11
out 6:13
Home 7:30
Feed animals
Eat beef stew and toast
sleep 0930
up 1030
Up 1730 to shower and dress and prep
Kiss M good bye
Car 1808  
Office 1946
almost . made a big mess in my pants
but made it to the toilet JUST in time
In 1958
Another night with one ride hanging trying to figure out to cover...
Mission accomplished, and coasting by 2200
Denny sent me a picture of his son and new daughter-in-law after their quick wedding in LV earlier today
Avik left 2330, last time I'll see him for about 3 weeks
out 00:00

Stress  ~8.0 until 22:00 then 3-4 

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Wednesday Sept 12 Diary

in 0022
TWW 4:17-22, 5:1 start 2

One call from an very annoying booker, when I told her the car for her client was cancelled, and we notified her by email, which she did not receive.

Stress  7--8
out 6:04
Home 7:11
fed animals
eat chicken breast, and  texas toast/pb/onion
Bed 830
up xxx
up 1725 
showered dressed 
Kissed M good bye
car 17:57  office 1916
I walked in, Denny said, "we're in the shit tonight.."
Well, we had ONE ride, that we had trouble with, and it worked out.
One of the final two or three affiliates that will talk to us took a ride, and we had it whipped
Until that one client that was farmed, called looking for his car.
He chewed me out a bit.... found his driver,   then when he got home , called and chewed Denny out.
I went to Subway, across the driveway, to get some chips, at 2130
The sign said, open til 2200. They were closed.
The sign should said, "Open til 10, sometimes.."
Denny left at 2215 .. heading home to get a nap, then get up to take his son and soon-to-be daughter in law to Las Vegas to get married.
Long story, that involves the son needing the marriage certificate by Friday, in advance of signing his Navy Seal contract.
TWW 5;2,3,4
out 23:59
Stress  7.5

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tuesday Sept 11 Diary

In 0015  
TWW 4:6 - 14
Between phone calls from and to London, and back and forth emails about some yutz with A-gen, 
Stress level ~8 
Out 6:15
stop for gas on the way home
then for liq pods
Home 730
fed animals
Eat   Pulled pork on toast with onions ...and chips

up 3 x

alarm 1705
up 1745
Showered dressed kissed M good bye
car 1825
office 1927 
In 1934
Problems covering night work 
resolved by 2100   
stress level  7 - 8
Watched  TWW 15,16, st 17
Talked to M about renewing my rx :  2215
Out 23:57

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Monday September 10th Diary

TWW  3:21-23, then 4:1,2
contacts out, Bed 0400

up damn near every hour or so

M home 1600
up 1710
shower dress, contacts in
Kiss M good bye
Downstairs with Stitch, who brought M's stuff up
Rolling 1805
stopped to clean windshield
office 1908
in 1917
 slow night, watched Monday Night Football on flat screen with Thing 1, who is swapped schedules with Denny for two weeks...
Watched TWW 4:3-5
Out  23:51

Stress level  ~5 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Sunday September 9 Diary

Up 0830
shower and dress
Online looking at accounts
Pro football on tv, while doing Quora
TWW 3:14, 15
snack popcorn
then crackers
going through mail
Laundry in wash, then dry, then away
M called while I was putting laundry away, of course

Long nap

Tww 3:16 --20
dinner pulled pork n onions on buns

later, Jerry brown sandwich
TBBT reruns

Saturday Sept 8th Diary

tww 3:6,7,8
finished a bag of M&Ms
finished coleslaw with cheetos
bed 0330

up 9:15
fed animals
breakfast :  a Jerry Brown open faced sandwich
Football OU UCLA 1000
spoke to M, 1100
TWW 3:9-13


Stitch home 400 ish

dinner  Pot Roast
more football

bed 2230

Friday Sept 7th Diary

In 0025 
TWW 2:16-22, and 3:1
out 5:35
stop for gas
home 715
Fed animals
MDM fried chicken n coleslaw
Bed sleep
M out to LF  ?
up 1815
shower n dress
M back to pick up Stitch 1930
TWW 3:2-5
M returned home to fetch a debit card ...

Friday, September 7, 2018

Thursday Sept 6 Diary

In 00:25
TWW 2:6--13
out 5:55
Home 654  
Fed animals
Put some laundry away
Talked with M
MDM  chili and coleslaw
Sleep  10ish
up 1300  snack
up 1620
up 1745
Showered dressed and kissed M good bye
car 1826 
office  1932
IN 1940
various uncovered rides to figure out...
out 23:59

stress level 8 to 8.5   ... dropped down to 3-4 when the last ride was dispatched at 00:00

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Wednesday Sept 5th Diary

In 0025
TWw 1;17-22  2:1,1
Out 559
Accident on the 710  home 720
fed animals
eat  baked chicken breast and brown rice
Bed 0830
up 1330
Up 1600
up 1725
Shower dressed 
Kissed M good bye
car 1822 
office 1935
In 1941
Watched TWW 2:2-5, started 6
Out 0001

Night work was easily covered.
Stress level  5ish

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Tuesday Sept 4 Diary

In 00:25
watched TWW 1:x--14
out 0600
Home 7:01
MDM  leftover taquitos, one chicken back, rice
Bed room, reading and talking with M
Sleep 0830
Up 1030 ice cream
Up 1600 ice cream, talking with M about weekend plans
Up 17:25
Showered dressed  Kissed M goodbye
Car 18:10  
office 19:21
In 19:28
 Everything done and dispatched
Talked about future scheduling
Watched TWW 1:15,16, start 17...
Out 23:59

Stress level  between 3-4 which is normal at work; I'm always a little on edge.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Monday Sept 3 diary

Up 0700
ate Lunchables 
took pills
Fed Donna
back to bed

up 1600
contacts IN
showered dressed
nap on couch
up 1830, woke up M to get her moving
kissed her goodbye  
car 1836 \
stopped for 2 l-pods
office 19:19
In 1925 
  typical evening 'drama' getting our work covered...
  Watched TWW 1:4 ...

Denny left at 23;44
and I got two calls at once,  
  one for driver info on a job in the morning,
 one regarding a ride we could not cover at JFK an hour ago...
out 2359

Stress level: based on the difficulty we had getting our work
covered ....   8/10.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Sunday Sept 2nd Diary

Watched TNR 3:1-6
Did some Quora
in bedroom
sleep 5:30 to 12:30
Showered dressed
Watched TWW 1:1-3
dinner  taquitos and coleslaw

Saturday Sept 1 diary

IN 00;25
Call from agent, new order in Laguna B for 1330
watched TNR 2:2 -- 7
out 6:34
Home 7:26
MDM : M brought home leftovers... potatos and chicken strips
Contact lenses out
watched Game on couch 0900
feel asleep at some point 
Went to bed when it was out of reach for FAU
up 1800
Dinner  chili dogs and cole slaw
Watched TNR 2:8-9 

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Friday Aug 31 Diary

in 0025
03:17 agent called to make a minor time change to an existing order
04:08  London affil called, unable to find a client..
Watched TNR 1:2-6
5:24 new booking for Milan Italy, which I took, and emailed to our affiliate in Milan...who replied, they 'could' cover it, but they want to be paid some $$$ first.
out 5:59
stopped for liq-pods
Home 700
Fed animals
mdm Steak n cole slaw
bed reading til 0930
up 1230 and 1530
up 1720
SHowered dressed  kissed her good bye
car 1735
office 1858 
in 1921
Rez agents out 2100
Thing 1 out 2130
Call 2150 from hotel for manifest
call 2220 for room charges
watched TNR 1:7-10, 2:1
Out 00:00