Saturday, May 16, 2020

2nd o May, Saturday, Diary; FCH-75

20ub, pills, Stitch started 1/2 pot of coffee
*Chain Reaction x 2
*Master Mind
*Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol
*mission Impossible Rogue Nation
LP 2 of 10
1700 Merry called... because the low pressure indicator was on in the dashboard, she avoided the freeway coming home, so took PCH, and on PCH hit traffic due to protestors running around protesting the beach closures, and she rear ended a Subaru.
She continued driving, but the engine heat indicator was rising.... she pulled in the parking lot at Claimjumpers in SE Long Beach, and called AAA
1745 spoke to Dad
1845 Merry arrived home; I went downstairs to inspect the car; the front end ... hood... was crumpled, could not get it open to look at the radiator
Shower, bt, shave, dry dress to couch
Merry called SFI to report accident
*House 3:12, 13
Merry to bedroom 2145
10uN, pills
Hot pockets and p.chips
2230 to bedroom

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