Monday, January 30, 2017

Friday January 27th Diary starting at 0600

Finished filter 2, bought 2 more on the way home.
Home  6:40.
Merry was still up, at the computer.
Fed the animals
Undressed to shirt and briefs, and approached Merry.
She said, "Ya ready?"
I bent over the edge of the bed, and she applied a number of whacks with the bath brush, then the Big Red paddle.
I stood up and went to do something. She went into the bathroom, and noticed the toilet seat was up.
Now, it's been on LONG time since I've done that, but no matter.
I bent over again, and she applied whacks with the square pizza paddle.
Dinner: chicken and quesadillas.
Watched TRMS-Thurs.
Sleep 0900
UP 17:15
We showered n dressed.
IN car 18:40 heading to a Munch in OC.
Arrived 19:45, stayed til 2130
Arrived at Winco 22:20 for some quick shopping.
HOme 23:20.
Unloaded groceries, then to bed.

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