2 X Physical therapy
1 x eligard shot
1 x Covid test (negative)
1 x cataract surgery
1 x A1C test, 6.3
5 Nights, M spent in LF
A proper spanking only begins when you wish it would stop! This is my daily journal of my life, married to my Dominant wife, Mistress Contrary Merry, and living in a poly house, along with Her alternate personality, Sunshine, and Her partner-in-crime, Stitch, with frequent appearances by Her second-youngest son, Babyman.
2 X Physical therapy
1 x eligard shot
1 x Covid test (negative)
1 x cataract surgery
1 x A1C test, 6.3
5 Nights, M spent in LF
Finally to sleep 7:30? 0800?
1245, M told me to tell S, to take Lyft to work...neither of us could get up
15:20 bot of us up... toilet, changed u/s,
b/t ... 132.... pills...20uB, coffee,
1545 eye drops
*Hateful 8 extended episodes
1845 eyedrops
20:00 10uN, fed D + pills
Pork roast n baked potato
*Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
2145 eye drops
Merry out 2250, home with s 2330
*The Big Short
*Avengers Infinity War
1230... toilet, shower, M washed my hair, B/t, shaved, dry , dress
188 20uB, pills, M braided my hair
1340 3 of us in car... dropped S... Merry turned the wrong way on S Street, as we were supposed to get gas, so I yelled, "Where the fuck you going?"
So she turned around, through the parking lot at WM...and we got gas at 76
to Dr M, for week after surgery check up.
Lookin' good, got a surgery date for right eye, 4/29
1600 home, 1615 eyedrops
bedroom..nap 1630-1900
*jeop, Wof, Chase 2/x
10uN, F/D with pills, baked chicken n rice
2215 eye drops
*Div 2/x, 2/x
Merry out 2250 home with S 2330
*House 8/3
*news, Colbert
0145... 179, 20uB, pills
*independence Day
M & S out 1330, S to work, M home 1420
1530 up, 140
pills, 12uB, coffee, egg biscuit
couch with M, eyedrops
WWF until
1800 TRMS, Jeop'y
1915 eyedrops
*Wof, Chase, 2/x, House 8/2, Impractical Jokers
M out 2250, home with S 2330
eyeshield on, bedroom 2335
Could not sleep, Donna in 0100
Merry in 0300
03:30 20uB
i.cream, i.cream cone and pB
0700 candy bar
Stitch walked donna
08:00 PB n Choc'te
Merry up, and out to J's...
1515 toilet, changed u/s, B/t, eyedrops
*AIC 6.3 on yesterdays blood draw*
Input Diaries through 3/21 , done 1720
*Div'd 2/10, TRMS, Jeop'y, T.A.N,
*Mis Index Merry home 1830
2100 10uN, eyedrops
Stirfry n Rice
*T Good Dr, Chase, House 8/1
*The Connors
M bed 2215
2355 eye drops
0015 ...220
pills 20uB
*T BBT 12/21,22,23,24
0330 to bedroom
talking til 615 or so
in bedroom , could not sleep
Scrolling through 8 year old FL messages
7:30? 10:30? to sleep
12:15 up, Shower, b/t,shv, dry, dress
pills, 20uB, coffee
1310 eye drops
1330 M up
3 of us in car 1340
drop S at work
Arco, 4 LP
Blood Draw for me
1450 home
to bedroom, nap 1615
M, out shopping for Ev
...and home 2015
2040 up, fed cat
2055 eye drops
M nap 2145-2245
F/d Donna + pills 2300
*2 TTT
Merry out 2250, home with S 2330
*Chase 2/x
*Debris 1/4
2355 eye drops
*House 7/23
*CA-Civil War
2 ice cream cones
bedroom 0500
Could not sleep, due to M's and Donna's snoring so couch ..7 to 9
Then to bedroom
1100 M up,
1200 me up for R's PB Cup
1330 Merry n S out
1400 UP, PB from jar, back to bed
OU lost to Gorzanga in round of 32
1645 UP, 150, pills, 14uB, coff, ordered BLu, toilet,
*House 7-22, TRMS
M, nap 1900 to 2300
*jeop, WoF, the Chase
Talked to M about my fantasy-dream
Merry out 2313-home with S 2345
fed D with pills
0000 10uN, pills
PB + onion+ bacon bits on EM, and pc
2330 eye drops
0145: 204, 10uB
*Fight Club, first time I watched it from start to finish
0430 bedroom
Merry to Stitch to D's
Merry took beer to Ev
1430 toilet
Shower...Merry washed my hair...
shave, b/t ... dry, dressed
Merry braided my hair
filled pill box, pills, 12uB, coffee
1545 eye drops
*red Dragon
1500 Stitch home
*Silence of the Lambs
1900 eye drops
2030 11uN, Jambalaya
*mis Indx 3/9
*Resident Alien 9, 10
WWTBAM 4/16, finale
0000 165 pills
*John Q
0030 Merry to bed
*The Avengers .... 0500 bedroom
Merry n Stitch out 1330
Merry, shopping, home 1600
1500 up, vomiting
Merry brought A/S and green tea
1630 up, toilet
pills, 12uB, eye drops
OU beat Mizzou in round of 64
Merry, nap
2050 Fed D with p, and B
10uN, eye drops
Fried chicken n french fries
*Mis Index 3/9,
*Call me kat
*Impractical Jokers
Merry out 2250, home with Stitch 2325
2330 ...160... pills, 10uB
2340 eye drops
Merry in 0400
asleep 0500 ?
0930 Stitch woke up Sunshine
1000 alarm, up, pee, change, clothes, B/t, eye drops, 147, pills, 20uB, coffee
1045 out with Merry, to LBMH ... jumped out of car, without mask or wallet or bag, ran after car until she stopped, to get it ... Covid test...
then to vet for donna's meds, Arco 4 LPs, WF deposit Dad's check, home 1140
Fed Donna with pills
M&S out 1335, M home 1415
*Chase 1/2, Div 2/6
Merry nap 3/15
*House 7/17 or 18?
Music concert on channel 3
Merry up 1900
*Jeopy, WoF
eye drops 10un pills
Feed B, Donna + pills
Meat pie n p/c
*All Rise
Merry out 2300, home 2335, 47139
(224 at 2345), bedroom
Stitch to work by Lyft
Merry up 1630
I got calls from LBMH, Walmart RX, Alert LB
1730 up, 10uB, 137, pills, eyedrops, coffee, toilet
Sent message to Dr Yeh
called LA Health to see if vardenafil is covered (yes)
Merry, out to Ev and back
*TRMS, Jeopy, Chase
2200 10uB, eye drops, pills, F/D & B
pulled pork on EM
*House 7:16,
Merry out 2300, picked up S, then go to market, home 0015
14uB, bedroom 0030
Merry in 0200
0300, eyedrops
10uN, pb, nutty buddy
erratic sleep
1400 Merry home
1630, up ... 172, 10uN, pills, coffee...
M and I gathered all hidden envelopes, I counted the cash
2 envelopes missing
Merry Sunshine, out for a game card, and right back
*Avengers Infinity Wars on TBS
Sunshine, nap 20 - 2315
*Avengers Endgame on tbs
*Who wants to be Millionaire
*The Newsroom 2/7
10uN, pills
Meat pie n p/c
*The Newsroom 2/8, 9
Merry, bed 0415
*The Newsroom 3/6
10uB, 0500 bed
0500, Left c/l out, start eyedrops
0600 oral O for M
to sleep 5 - 6
Merry in LF
Stitch to work by L, 1300
Merry called..1430, I was still asleep, she asked me to call her back when I was awake
1715 up, toilet, called Merry..left vmail
126, pills, 10uB, coffee
Merry called me back, staying another night (my suggestion or permission, not sure which)
Input Diaries from 6 March to HERE....
1430 Donna got off my bed
.I took a long hard defecation
on couch 2000
*TBBT x 6 ep
*Div'd x 2
Fed D & B
some texts with M
Stitch home by Lyft, 0000
*Div x 2
Time change, Spring ahead
*Impractical Jokers
S to bed 0300
*TNR 1/9, 10
0300 10uN, pills, trail mix, PB pretzels
0515 bedroom
Merry up, 1100, prepping pulled pork
1615 up ..
Changed und'r n socks
Merry packed, out to LF o/n 1645
Toilet, b/t
*Chase-celebrity, MMi 2/64, TRMS, Jeop'y
talked to Merry
*House 7/11
feed B n D
*House 7/12--14
Stitch, home by Lyft 2340
Merry called, good night, 0010
*The Martian ...0245
Stitch to bed
10uN,pills, PB + On'n on EM, p.chips
*Call me Kat ... 0315
to bedroom
1530 toilet, shower, b/t, shave, washed hair...
Dry, dress, 157, pill box, pills, 20uB, coffee
Merry brushed out and braided my hair.
(Later, I sent a picture to Jeena of my new hair braid, and ... she broke up with me, saying, "I REALLY don't like hair braids on men.. this is not working for me.")
*Tough as Nails, again for Stitch
*Biden's speech
*TRMS, Jeop'y, Wof, Young Sheldon
10uN, Stir fry with root beer sauce, white rice
*B Pos, Mom, Chase, Clarice
20uB, pill
0030 to bedroom, unable to sleep
Merry in 0300
0530 10uN, RPBC, choc covered pretzels
....? sleep
... to couch
10:00 to bed
Merry home, took S to work, home 1445, then out again to WLMT
1730 10uB, pills, ritz crackers
*Chase 4/8, TRMS, Jeop'y, Wof, (in bedroom) ToughASNails
10uN, pills, PB+BaconB+on'ns on Bread, n p chips
Nap 2100 to 2330
Merry out 2250, home with S 2330
*House 7/9
Merry in bedroom, talking about my insecurity and B..
and I told her about my OLR with Jeena... we had not met yet, but we've been chatting a lot, since she first hit me up on instagram... 60 yr old divorcee, lives in Sherman Oaks (I told M make it seem she lived closer...)She doesn't care that I'm married, she's just lonely and wants friends to talk to ... I sent her a picture (or two) and she said, she does NOT like men with braided hair...
ice cream cone
Stitch walked Donna
1230 called in sick to PT
1500 toilet, 159, pills, 20uB, coffee
3 of us talking, sitting on couches
Stitch put laundry in wash and dryer, so laundry away
1700 Merry to LF o/n due to some Ratastrophe at B's LF home
*Chase 4/11, MMi 2/61, TRMS, Jeop'y, TGoodDr
2050 talked to M
10uN, p;ills
chicken, carrots coleslaw
*Debris 1,2
*Mis Index
*Div'd, Bob H A
*House 7/6,7
0200 20uB
*House 7/8
Merry, in bedroom 0300
0645 10uN, PB + nutbuddy
1230 woken up by M, needs me to drive due to pain between her thighs...(caused by B on her trip to LF)...
Up toilet, b/t dressed, 186, pills, coff, 20uB, toilet,
3 of us out 1345, me driving
Drop S at work...
Merry into Winco, me into toilet there
Merry into Aldi's
Merry into Eve's to deliver groceries
1600 home
toilet, my poop cherry red (food coloring?)
Merry assisted on inspection
and clean up
Rec 6 LP from blue
*Chase, MMi 2/x, TRMS, Jeop
to bedroom
..watching some girl group concert on PBS; never did find out who they were
*9-1-1, 9-1-1 LS
Merry out 2250, home with S 2330
*NEWS, House 7/3,4
2 ice cream cones
0200 20uB, pills
*House 7/5, 0300 bedroom
(Merry in LF)
Stitch to work by Lyft 1300
1330 toilet, change animal waters, b/t, pills, 125, 20uB, coffee
DVR check, chng und'r and sox,
*People Puzzler, Fast Foodies, Div'd 2/1, CM Kat 1/9,10,CallYourMother 1/7, Connors 3/12, House 6/14,17
1945 Merry called
Fed cat n Dog/pill
House 6:22, 7/1
Merry home 2145, to toilet, and out 2155
Merry home with S 2335
2350 10uN, pills
baked chicken n p.chps
*AFHV 31;14
0135 20uB
(Merry in LF with B)
10:00 woke up with a piss hard on, 33% hard
13:30 woken up by S, having problems on his Lyft app, so I ordered Lyft for him on work 1405
Toilet twice, Fed B, b/t, chngd briefs and socks, (blue Jockey sports briefs),
pills, 20uB, coffee
At computer, inputting diaries..
Merry called to check in 1600
Finished diaries through 3/5, started this one.............
*Veep 5/3 to end
6/1 to end, 7/1 to end
Couch 1715..
20:00 Fed B, F D + pill
2310 S picked up, home 2330
2335 10uN, pills
PB on raisin toast, doritos, PB pretzels
S to bed 0100
1230 shower, b/t, shv, dressed
1315 LBM called for me 'checkin' to 1335
20uB, pills
3 of us out 1345, drop me at PT, Stitch at work
PT 14-1430
I took Merry home to pack
To Oncology, 1510 got my Eligard shot 317, out 1520
Arco for 2 LP
1600 home
156 coffee
Talk with M as she packed
Merry out 1715 to LF
...Jockey white briefs
Chase 4/13
Merry reported, arrived 1830
took 100 mg Sildenafil
Tried to masturbate, no reaction from my penis: no sensitivity, no erotic feeling at all
Veep 4/6-4/10
2130 fed D with pills, 10uN, pills
PB and ham on EM, p chips, ic.cone
2302 S called, could not access Uber on his phone, so I ordered Lyft from mine... and home 2335
Watched GoBig while working on S's phone to get Uber or Lyft, but could not receive confirmation code... Lyft on his phone thinks its me because 6 years ago, I used his phone to drive Lyft.
So, I got Lyft rebooted on his phone
*Impractical Jokers
S to bed 155
*Veep 5:1-2
20uN, bed 0245
0400 Merry to bedroom
0900 i.c.cone
Stitch walked Donna
13:30 toilet, b/t, talked to S and Donna
Pill box, pills, 171, 20uB, coffee
*Div, MMi, Chase
1400 M up
*MMi, Resident Alien
Now, to discuss Dan's blog about coercion and consent/non consent.
Merry wrote something that can be reduced to "spank first, discuss later."
KDP wrote "there's spank first...resent eventually...and divorce later."
I specifically remember once incident, just prior to the first LA Grue we attended, where she ordered me to take a spanking... and we did not discuss afterwards... and I resented it for nearly 2 days.
I'm sure that separation/divorce crossed my mind then, as it has before that incident, and a few times thereafter.
Problems of that ilk resolved when we got away from D/s or FLR, and spankings were given and taken in Funishment, and for video-creating.
There was a time 2 1/2 months ago, when I was ... thinking about it, because of my jealousy about/over her current BF, B, but I realized that was my insecurity talking to me about my ED problem.
I 'ran out' to Arco for 2 LP.
TRMS, Jeop, Wof, (Young Sheldon)
10uB, pills, backed chicken, rice, carrots
*Unicorn, B-Positive, mom
*Resident Alien,
2300 merry to bed
*Chase 1/8, 1/9 (finale), S to bed
*Veep 4/1-5, 20uB, 0300 bedroom
Merry was watching Flight Club
We talked about her upcoming visit to B
Sleep 0600 maybe
0600 10uN, PB n NutBut
0800 i.c.cone
4 thunder strikes that scared Merry enough to get under/next to me
14:30 toilet, b/t, 20uB, pills, 187, coffee
Merry n Stitch home from ?? , 1500
*Div'd, Chase, (9-1-1 LS for S)
Merry nap 1630
*Go Big, M.Mayor, Misery Index, Jeopy, Tough as Nails
2100 Merry up
10uN, pills, S fed D
Stir fry n rice
*Clarice, Circus
20uB, bedroom
*Veep 3/4-10 03:00
0300, Merry in bedroom
0900 10uN, PB n cookies
1230 toilet, 180, 20uB, pills, coffee in thermos
13:20 out with S, S to work, to PT (toilet) 14 to 1435, home 1500
Toilet, shower, b/t, shv, wash hair, dry, clip nails, 1/2 dress
ice coffee, Merry brush and braided my hair, dressed, couch 1605
we went through our 3 toy bags, tossed some stuff, got it down to two bags
Called jury duty (extension for S), Walmart, to get RX moved, message Dr Y for change of appointment
*Jeop, Wof, 2TTT
10uN, pills, stir fry n rice
*Div, MMi, AHV 31:13
Merry out 2245, home with S 2330
Merry, in bedroom 00:15
to bedroom, Veep 2:9,10 and 3:1-3
0200 20uB, bed
0400 10uN, PB n crackers, cookies, choc. pretzels
1245 toilet, new contacts in, b/t, dressed, 196, pills, 20uB, coffee
1300 Merry up, showered
1330 3 of us out...
Drop S at work
Drop rent check in HB
home 1500
*Chase, MMi
2 of us out...
Smart n Final, to Ev, beer n ice cream, home 1840
in bedroom:
*TRMS, Jeopy, Wof, 9-1-1, 9-1-1 LS
10uN, pills
in bedroom with hot pockets n bugles
News, watching car chase
Merry out 2250, home with S 2330
*Veep 2:4-8
20uB, 0200
? Cash on hand; Merry can ask me in private.
171 Average blood sugar reading, taken every day, first thing on getting out of bed (second thing, really, first thing is getting to the toilet)
6 Physical Therapy sessions
0 times Masturbated
2 teeth pulled (#7 and #10)
0 intercourse
0 spanking sessions
0300 i.c.c
0500 PB n crackers
0530 M to bedroom
Merry took S to work, home again
1430 toilet, 158, 20uB, pills, sort socks, coffee, bill pay, couch while Merry watched The Partridge Family
To bedroom, sorted socks and underwear
Becker 1/18--22
Veep 1/2 - 8
Merry out 2245, home with S 2330
Veep 2/1-3
0100 20uB, pills, contacts out, bedroom 0148
Merry in 0215
1415 Merry home
DVR check list
*House 6;8
Sex pl coy
Sort my whities
*House 6/9,10
1900 Merry, nap
Dark socks, wash and dry
pay Health I,
3 emails to M
*TNR 3/5,6
Fed D w pill
2245 out, 2322 home with S
2330 Sunshine up
0130 20uB, bedroom
0400 Merry to bedroom
0500 10uN, milk n cookies
1200 Merry took groceries to Ev
1230 toilet, b/t, chngd diaper n socks, beer
Helped M fold sheets,
3 of us out 1330,
Drop me at Oncologist, Drop S at work, Merry to Winco
Me out of Oncologist at authorization from insurance, no injection, I walked to Winco to meet Merry.
She came out, off we went to 99c store...I'm still looking for the right magnifcation of cheaters.... ..and used toilet
Then to Eve's to deliver beer and ice cream, then to McD's for McFlurry and iced coffee and home 1600
Groceries away
did a chocolate pretzel taste test
*Div'd, Chase, MMi
Merry nap 1800-2030
*TNR 2-6/7
10uN, pills Fed D + pill
homemade pastrami and FF
*Hustler, Fast Foodies
Merry out 2250 , home with S 2335
Impractical J 2:18,
Bedroom, tNR 2:8,9 .... 02:30
11:50 toilet, pre shave, shower, b/t, shave, dry dress
184 fill pillbox, pilss, coffee
20uB, toilet
13:25 out with S, 1345 drop S
Physical Therapy, 1401 to 1435
Arco 2 LP, 1500:home
Merry brushed and braided my hair
UPS delivered 6 LP
*tNR 2:3,4,5
1715 out to market
*Chase 4/6, TRMS, Jeop'y
1945 M home
11uN, pills, Fed D + p
Roast beef and baked potato
*Young Sheldon, B-Positive, Mom, Unicorn, Chase
M out 2250 home 2330
*MMi, Div, News,
00:30 bedroom
0200, Merry to bed, watching Fight Club
0300 10un, NB, cookies
12:30 Merry up, and out with S, 1330
13:35 toilet, chngd diaper and socks, 174
20uB, pills, coffee
1430 Merry home to bedroom to watch vow to 2000
*Chase MMi, TRMS, Jeopy
...ordered pizza
*tNR 1:9,10
*Tough as Nails, Connors, Call Your Mother
2250 Merry out, and home with S 2330
Tough as Nails, again for S
*Misery Index
*tNR 2:1,2
dancing with M
0300 to bedroom
0315 Merry in
0200, Merry bedroom
0300 NutBud, cookies
04 to 0430 oral O for M
1230 toilet, mouth wash, chgd diaper and socks
178, pills, 20uB, coffee in thermos
13:25 3 of us out, me to PT by 1340, she dropped S at work, then off to get Ev take to Kaiser)
MY PT 1345 to 1415
Lyft home 1445
coffee, couch
Div'd, MMi,
1600 Merry home
*Chase, MMi
1800 Merry to bedroom
*TRMS, Jeop'y, WoF
2015 Merry up
*To TT Truth
10uN, PB/Muff, bugles, i.c.cone
Fed Donna w/pills
*All Rise
Merry out 2300, home with S 2330
*T Wall, News
0000 bedroom
M took S for his 1st covid vaccine at Kr.
12:20 toilet, shower, b/t, shave, washed hair, dry, 1/2 dress,
Onco. called, postponing my injecting to 26th
Merry brushed and braided my hair, did some back surgery, thigh surgery, cleaned my ears...
then went to take a shower herself
finished dressing, 20uB, 194, pills, coffee
Merry out 1420 to Dr cox...
Input diaries through this point here....................
*tNR 1/6,7; Div'd, Chase,
M nap 18-2030
*TRMS, Jeop, WoF,
*9-1-1, 9-1-1 LS
10uN, pill
Ham on EM, Bugles, 1.c.c
*Bob HA, t GD
*News Colbert
0115 20uB, bedroom