0400 Merry to bedroom
0500 10uN, milk n cookies
1200 Merry took groceries to Ev
1230 toilet, b/t, chngd diaper n socks, beer
Helped M fold sheets,
3 of us out 1330,
Drop me at Oncologist, Drop S at work, Merry to Winco
Me out of Oncologist at 1420...no authorization from insurance, no injection, I walked to Winco to meet Merry.
She came out, off we went to 99c store...I'm still looking for the right magnifcation of cheaters.... ..and used toilet
Then to Eve's to deliver beer and ice cream, then to McD's for McFlurry and iced coffee and home 1600
Groceries away
did a chocolate pretzel taste test
*Div'd, Chase, MMi
Merry nap 1800-2030
*TNR 2-6/7
10uN, pills Fed D + pill
homemade pastrami and FF
*Hustler, Fast Foodies
Merry out 2250 , home with S 2335
Impractical J 2:18,
Bedroom, tNR 2:8,9 .... 02:30
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