Saturday, March 13, 2021

10 March, Wednesday, Diary, Stitch 2-11 RAIN

... to couch

10:00 to bed

Merry home, took S to work, home 1445, then out again to WLMT

1730 10uB, pills, ritz crackers

*Chase 4/8, TRMS, Jeop'y, Wof, (in bedroom) ToughASNails

10uN, pills, PB+BaconB+on'ns on Bread, n p chips

Nap 2100 to 2330

Merry out 2250, home with S 2330

*House 7/9

Merry in bedroom, talking about my insecurity and B..

and I told her about my OLR with Jeena... we had not met yet, but we've been chatting a lot, since she first hit me up on instagram...  60 yr old divorcee, lives in Sherman Oaks (I told M make it seem she lived closer...)She doesn't care that I'm married, she's just lonely and wants friends to talk to ... I sent her a picture (or two) and she said, she does NOT like men with braided hair...

ice cream cone



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