Saturday, March 13, 2021

11 March, Thursday, Diary,

 1530 toilet, shower, b/t, shave, washed hair...

Dry, dress,  157, pill box, pills, 20uB, coffee

Merry brushed out and braided my hair.

(Later, I sent a picture to Jeena of my new hair braid, and ... she broke up with me, saying, "I REALLY don't like hair braids on men..  this is not working for me.")

*Tough as Nails, again for Stitch

*Biden's speech

*TRMS, Jeop'y, Wof, Young Sheldon

10uN, Stir fry with root beer sauce, white rice

*B Pos, Mom, Chase, Clarice

20uB, pill

0030 to bedroom, unable to sleep

Merry in 0300

0530 10uN, RPBC, choc covered pretzels

....? sleep 

1 comment:

  1. Stupid cunt (Jeena) that's a ridiculous reason to end a friendship
