OTC 00:24 to ...
W Dexter 8:12. Finished Dexter so
W "Sing".
2 'where's my car' calls at BWI. Never found the first driver, client took a cab. 2nd driver did not answer his phone, but client found him.
1 'where's my car' in Cleveland: driver at wrong hotel
1 'where's my car' near Nashville. She called a few minutes early; driver was right on time.
Client called at midnight, to book 5 cars in various cities for her boss.
Caller from England called, looking at an invoice, wondering why the bill was for two hours, when the trip only took one hour.
Caller from England ..did not understand difference between 'meet and greet' (which is a REP) and actual car n driver service....
now 5:10 am, waiting for SOMEBODY (such as a.m. Dispather or a.m Res-Agent, both due at 0500) to show up...
M in 520, Sun in 530.
overturned semi on 101 at 170
out 536
car 543--630
fed animals
mdm fried chicken n coleslaw
bed 8
up 20:
din beans n franks
back to bed
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