Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tuesday Sept. 20th Diary

at work
All quiet at work... 
I settled in to watch TWW...
Then this happened:
A 'street person' walked up to the sliding glass window, that looks out from the dispatch room (TDR) onto the two lanes of driveway in the garage, then the garage mechanic bays on the other side.
I get such walk-ups  frequently.  They think this is a garage, looking for repairs or they think this is part of the parking lot for the hotel next door or they are drunk and think their car is parked here or they're hoping we've got an available public restroom or... well, I've heard plenty of stories.
So, this guy walked up.  My age, give or take, I guessed... couple inches taller than me... dressed in black, including a leather-looking motorcycle-style jacket.
He asked for bolt cutters so he could take his motorcycle away.
The motorcycle he was referring to is ...I don't know a motorcycle from a duck, but it's an older motorcycle, and even though I have not seen the actual pink slip, I was told, and I'm confident in the veracity of the statement, that both the motorcycles parked in the garage bay directly across from TDR belong to the owner of the company for which I work.
I told this fellow, "No bolt cutters. Not your motorcycle. Please leave."
He walked away. I went back to TWW.
He was back in five, maybe ten minutes.
Instead of coming to the window, he went to the garage bay across from TDR, and sat down on a bench seat, one that had been taken out of our passenger van, and put there for storage. 
I yelled out the window, "What are you doing?! I told you to leave."
"I'm not leaving until I get bolt cutters for my motorcycle."
"I'll call the police."
He ignored me, and sat there.
Then stood up, and sat on 'his' motorcycle, even moved it maybe six feet, and turned on the headlight.
And sat back down on the bench.
I called the police.
Not 911, as this was no life-threatening emergency. I called the local precinct.  I got the front desk, explained the problem, and was transferred to a non-emergency dispatcher.
We chatted a few minutes, while she went back and forth, talking to me, then to patrol officers.
After ten minutes, maybe fifteen, I had two LEOs in the garage, followed by two more, and two more, until I think I counted nine of them.  
The fellow peacefully surrendered, stood up, and the officers put him up against and facing the wall, handcuffed, I think.
Several  LEOs came to the window...taking my information,  telling me what was occurring.  One of them helpfully turned off the headlight on the bike, after I told them I had no idea how.
A LEO came up and said, "We've dealt with this guy before. He was on a psychiatric hold, about two weeks ago. He thinks he's Nikki Sixx.  So, we can arrest him now, based on what you've said, which might not be enough to hold him OR we can escort him away with a warning, and if he comes back, we can arrest him AND hold him."
I said, "I don't want real trouble for him, just want him gone."
In short order, he was taken away, and all the LEOs departed.
Elapsed time: from 02:00 to 02:50
And back to  TWW:   2: 18--22, and 3-1 and 2. 
Out 6:15
Horrid traffic on the way home.
Especially on the 710 S-bound, trying to get off at LBB.
I was able to get off at LBB South,  but I saw that LBB north was closed, and saw police cars with flashing lights all over the place.
I read later about a car chase, that ended in the chased car running over a fire hydrant, a couple miles from my house.
Home 7:22
Fed the animals
MDM  pork n chicken n rice
Contact lenses out
Watched  TRMS-M.
Sleep 09:00
Awake 1030 to pee, and snack ...on trail mix.  Too much.  I'm concluding, my system doesn't get along with peanuts so much anymore.
Tried to get back to sleep.  
Very fitful.
It was warm, and when I turned on the fan,  Merry said, it was too cold on her.
UP 17:30
Alka seltzer.... shower...dressed... contact lens In,   
Packed... kissed Merry good bye
Car 18:24
Miserable traffic on 101.
Worse traffic in the Hollywood area around the office.
Arrived 19:37.
Night work was done.
Set up for Wednesday, miserable.
Too many 'event' type cars...for two events going on, plus a bunch of other stuff.

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