Thursday, September 8, 2016

Wednesday Sept 7 Diary

at work
03:00 Caller  "Where's our van?"  from Paris.
She had to call twice, I had to call Paris affiliate twice, to get them all together.
03:45 Caller  "I need two SUVs in Phoenix asap"
  This was a booker for 'Drake' btw.    I made SIX phone calls, spoke to two awake people, and four answering machines... no dice.   This booker, a notoriously (within my company) hard-nosed starts-with-B-rhymes-with-ditch, said, "Okay, I'll tell 'em we can't do it."  
Watched The West Wing  1:4-9.
Started Filter #2.
Two a.m. dispatchers in by 5:30.
Very tired, I left at 05:50
Needed gas, didn't want to pay cash (debit card) for a full tank at expensive local stations, so put in $5.00 worth (cash) at an Arco.
Pulled away from the Arco..a few blocks down SMB, noticed my E-cig, usually hanging around my neck..was gone.  Fell off at the gas station?  Oh well, gone.
So, I plugged in my remaining 2nd tube and started on Filter #1 that I bought a couple days ago.
Home 6:35
MDM pork chops (from last night) and rice
Watched TRMS from Tuesday.
8:00 sleep
1045 up to pee
1445 up to pee and snack.
On peanut butter   out of the jar.   In retrospect, bad idea.
16:30 awake
17:15 up   ... alka seltzer.
Showered dressed.. on toilet, pooping and throwing up.
Just sat in easy chair awhile.  More alka seltzer.
I've noticed this reaction within me whenever I snack on peanut butter...  gotta get it away from me.
Up and ready, finally... kissed Merry good bye
Car 19:01  at work  19:48.

Busy night with the events.  All rides were dispatched by the time I got in, but lotsa cars and drivers moving around.
And set up for Thursday ...another event night...was arduous.

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