Work 00:29 to 05:59
watched 30R 6:9 -- 19
Out 6:04
Stopped for 2 filters
Home 7:05
Fed animals
MDM pork n lunchables
W TRMS-W, with no RM again
Bed 0800
Up 1100, and 1300
17:15 Up
Toilet, shower, dress, pill, packed
Kissed M Good bye
She asked me "You want a spanking when you get home?"
"Well, depends on how my night goes, what kind of mood it puts me in, and the drive home...."
But I had to commit to a yes-or-no, it would have been yes.
Car 17:50
on 101 6:20
off 101 7:07
Office p/lot 7:13
IN 19:19
Relieved Frank
Still had the two Things working.
Made it an easy night
watched 30R 6:20,21, 7:1,2,3
Out 23:49
I knew that Merry had a date for noon on Friday...then she called me and say #2 Son asked her to take him to work...around noon, then come get him at night, 9 or 10. I don't know yet what she's going to do.
Fantasy for the Day
The carpet beater.
I wanna see what one feels like when applied to my bare bottom.
Of course, getting hold of one? Well, I've seen 'em on Amazon for under $22.
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