Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January 29th Tuesday Diary

0001 in
0508 out
0517 car
0558 home without mishap

pills, fed animals
0600 bed without eating
0800 up to pee
1000 up to pee, snack on peanut butter and potato chips
1615 up   showered, dressed, made coffee, talked to Stitch
Kissed Sleeping Beauty good bye
1714 car
1919 at office  two hours 5 minutes
1931 In, and after getting to the toilet just in time, 
 Sam filled me in:
 ALL the cars are being repo-ed, tomorrow.
 CEO has still asked, by email, that all office employees report for regular shifts, through Thursday day-shift, at least.
 The owner is working on finding affiliates for farming out work
 All reservations have been cancelled for Wednesday and Thursday

Spoke to Merry, kinda good-night  2230-2300

out 23;56

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