in 0020 to 5:41
(Merry called, to say good night 315)
car 551
driving along listening to the radio.
I remember passing the 110 ...
Next time I looked up, I was approaching the 22 interchange, in Westminster.
Got off at Springdale...turned left (oops) went north a mile or so, turned around, back south on Springdale to W.Minster Blvd, left, to the 405 n on ramp
home 7:03
Fed animals
MDM black eyed peas n ham over rice
Exchanged a dozen texts with the morning dispatcher that came in so I could leave, about a driver not showing up for her job... like it was my fault (NO) or I could do something about it (NO).
bed 1000
up 1000 pills, pee, pie
Merry, out with D to a dog grooming
up 14:00 to pee
up 1700 showered dressed
packed, made coffee
Kissed Sleeping Beauty goodbye
car 17:58 office 19:02
Crap! gas gauge says, 30 miles to empty. I'm going to have to find gas around the office before going home, and it's at least 80c a gallon more, at stations around here than at home.
in 19:11
Talked to Denny about:
the driver incident (turns out, her father was in an accident, and she just didn't let Dispatch know she wouldn't make it in to work)
His ailments (bad left ankle, bad right knee)
Cheap gas around the office? He doesn't know of any
And I told him, I 'might' be late getting in on Monday, due to my biopsy.
Then business as usual: meaning, nothing to do.
OUt 23:50
I still can't believe you passed through both Long Beach and Seal Beach!