Thursday, January 24, 2019

23rd January Wednesday Diary

00:02 In
04:45 out, as soon as Mikey came in
5:04 car
5:44 home without mishap.
Fed Dog n Cat
MDM WinSub, coleslaw, chips
0700 bed
0900 up to pee
1100 up to pee
1230 up for a long defecation
 and could not get back to sleep
13:30 shower dress made coffee
14:13 in car
15:28 parking lot
15:35 IN to an empty office. Mikey left at 15:20 judging by the text he sent me.
Fuckin phones ringing 3 at a time (at one point).
Had to tell MANY clients, we're not accepting future bookings.
If we were accepting bookings, I would been busier than .. a bee, all night long... well, up to about 20:30 when the last res call came in.
Merry called to say g'night at 22:25
Out 23:54
13 hours and 11 minutes on the clock for today. That's two hours of overtime (time and a half) and 71 minutes at double time.
Sure as hell hope I (well, we, the company employees, get paid).

Ever seen a Lizard Warning?

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