Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Monday Oct 10th Diary

UP 00:00,  02:00  04:00  
7:30  Alka/s...toilet...fed animals
Gathered laundry, put in wash
On bed with notebooks
On tablet watched TWW 7:2, 3, 4, 5
Meanwhile, laundry in dry,   then brought it in, put it away
Down for a nap 12:30
awake  13:30, 14:30, 15:50
ALarm 17:00 up 17:05
A bit miffed that Stitch was in the shower....  I assumed he knew not to shower during the hour I'm getting ready for work...
So, fed the animals...prepped...
He got out, I got in
Heard a 'thunk'
Sunshine yelled..."Daddy!  Shilo!"
Stitch went in, and continued drying and dressed.
Stitch knocked on bathroom door, said, "Sunshine wanted you to know, she fell over..."
"Okay," I said, thinking it was taken care of.
Once ready, I exited the bathroom into the BR.
The easy chair was still on its back..she had been sitting in chair, gone too far backwards, the chair toppled over....long ago I had put a dining room folding chair behind that chair, to prevent just that from happening, but some idiot ...or large dog...had moved the chair.
So the chair was on its back; she was sitting on the floor; Stitch was just ... moving stuff, like to get it out of her way.
I extended a hand, she took it, and I pulled her upright.
And sat her down in a folding chair that was opposite facing the easy chair. I pulled the easy chair upright, but the fold out foot rest was extended, and came down hard on her right knee, and she began yelling and crying.
I managed to get her calm down with the help of a bag-of-frozen-peas-ice-pack on the knee, and she sat down in the easy chair, and I carefully replaced the chair behind her.
I kissed her good bye and departed.
IN car 18:12 and drove in the opposite direction, to the 7-11 at Del Amo, in pursuit of e-cig filters.  I bought two-in-a-pack, and started on one.  
Price of gas  $2.46
On to the office, arrived  19:21.
Not much to do, other than watch drama with Sprinter rides. Had a driver doing a 2030 pick up at Dodger Stadium going for a 15 min ride to 2 hotels down town,  and his next job was 23:45 in WeHo.
Those guys did not board until 2315!
In the meantime my associate found, at 23:00, an affiliate to do the 23:45 job. 
I'm too old for this shit.

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