Wednesday, July 26, 2017


WORK:  0030 to 0602

W:  Independence Day-Resurgence, then The Dark Knight

Car 6:08  home 7:00  
Fed Donna...mdm PP on buns
W TRMS-Monday
 Merry was up n moving, getting ready to go on a breakfast date.
Bed 8:15
Donna was on the bed already, and in a bit of a playful mood, rolling around, barking at nothing...I finally had to sternly suggest she leave the bedroom.

Up a few times to pee

Merry came home, said her date went well; it might turn into ...well, something.

Up 17:25 then 17:35
Showered  dressed
Merry handed me her phone, for an incoming call from OneMain, to whom I had applied.  I told the person, I was not ready to talk about it, as I was getting ready for work, that I would be in touch when I am ready.
Saw an email that my work HR dept had agreed to cash out 20 hours of my vacation hours.
We spoke to Stitch about talking to his boss about maybe cashing out some of his vacation time.
Merry had opened a GoFundMe page.  We already had a $50 donation  (from Stitch's ex wife) and we got another $100 donation, from the woman who used to be our roommate at the other house.
Car 18:14
Stopped for filters
Moving 18:21
LOTS of traffic
At office 19:32
IN 19:39
Working with Denny, which meant things were under control, but a few things to be sorted out for the night.
Denny told me that his wife had been home for over a week (from being in isolation/rehab with a diagnosis of Mersa) and was doing well with hopping around or using a walker, and all of his in-law-relatives had departed for home, earlier today.
"out"  23:59

On any given day, I tend to have one recurrent fantasy in my head. Not the same fantasy each day, but some singular fantasy for that day.... call it
Fantasy for The Day
   Being required to cum before a spanking.
   This almost says it all:

The pinkish buttocks suggest he has already had a dose.
Now she masturbates his cock until he cums. 
Then he's getting another dose of the hairbrush.

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