Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 27th Tuesday Diary

In 0029
Finished TWW 1:5 then  6--12
0040  0330 0540 
out 548
(went through whole shift without single cup of coffee)

Home 644
Fed animals
MDM  bowl of pulled pork (no bread), coleslaw with apple and almonds 
Watched "The Good Doctor" finale 
Bed 0800
1030  1430  
Snack   of peanut butter and honey
up 1720 
vanilla yogurt with apple n almond n chia

Showered dressed packed took pill
As I kissed Merry goodbye, I made a comment to her that I was leaving that ...since I'm leaving she can contact her F-B and let 'em know it's safe to come over , like she usually does.
Not sure if she was hurt or angry or both
Office 1939  When I sent Merry a text like I usually do, saying I arrived safely "C3 1939" , her response was 'received'.  Hmm.
In 1946
at 2210, she sent me a text "turning in early", so I replied "received"
watched TWw 1:13--16   started on 17
out 2359

One cup of coffee, on cup of green tea, started on second cup of green tea

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