Friday, December 2, 2016

Thursday December 1st, Diary $2.28

09:30 up at accounts.
Merry was sitting at the computer; I asked her to look at somethin', then we had a bit of a row about it, and I went sulky and silent
Read TV Guide, and Thursday LA Times.
Bedroom for nap  13:45 to 17:00
Alka seltzer
Fed cats
Showered n dressed
Prepped coffee n snacks
Looked for my pills for ten minutes, which were knocked off the computer tower once again by hopping cats. Found 'em, moved 'em to kitchen.
Kissed Merry good bye
17:54 out....                Price of gas, back up to $2.28
19:05 at work.

Jon had come in for the earlier 9:00 am shift, rather than usual 13:30, and Francis had come in for the 13:30 shift.
Which did not make me happy, as I much prefer Jon's work ethic to Francis'.
And Jon2...who is regularly scheduled to come in at 16:30 ...   had covered my shift, last night, so Denny gave him tonight off, but didn't notate it on the schedule, so this was a secret between Jon2 and a time he could have been used, because a PM res-agent did not show up at all for his shift, and I don't know why that agent is still employed here.
Something called 'The Game Awards' going on Downtown, so the night was busy, but no open rides to cover, just a lot of juggling, because of bad dispatching.   
Yet, we survived.  

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