Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tuesday December 27th Diary

Awake...I dunno.  Stomach was upset; I took Rolaids and pepto bismol tabs.
Merry had munched an edible given to her by Bullfrog.
It was way stronger than anything else she had tried, and she was feeling it in a not so good way.
Plumber arrived 11:30, ready to do the repiping.
I lay in bed, half sleeping, half not, and listened to Merry babbling.
Later, she said she was being questioned somebody?...and giving answers.
The only part that was coherent or audible to me was, when she talked about a conversation between us, 3+ years ago, when I asked her, what kind of underwear I should wear for our date at the BoD, and she said, she didn't care, it was gonna come off anyway.

The plumbers finished the install, checked the line, and determined there was STILL a leak.
I suggested CUTTING the rest of the line that leads to the fireplace in BR1 and capping it  (rather than replacing it.)
The lead guy checked with the supervisor, and that was okay, and that's what they did.
Afterwards, he reported, "Okay seems good"
They departed, and Merry called the Gas Co, to get 'em to come out and turn on the gas ...15:45.
Stitch came home and we talked a bit.
I sat and watched The West Wing while waiting.
I checked in with Denny, who was alone in Dispatch, and he said, "It's slow, no problem, take your time."
I watched TWW 4:3-8 while waiting.
Gas tech arrived 21:30.
I held my breath, kinda, while he went to the meter to do a pressure check.
He came back and said, "Good news! Now where's the water heater?"
We stopped at the stove, and he opened the supply line, and activated the stove. All good.
Out to the water heater.  He opened the supply line, bled out the air, hooked it up, lit the pilot...and success!
He said, "About an hour for a tank of hot water..."
And he departed...21:50
I had to wait, and watched TWW 4:9.
22:45 into the  HOT shower.  Last time was Wednesday!
Kissed Merry good bye. She was still woozy, and asked maybe I could give her a shower in the morning?  We shall see.
Car 23:38 (448.7)

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