Friday, June 1, 2018

May 31 Thursday Diary

In 0029
talked to M  03:15
Out 6:02

Traffic fouled up on 710 S close to home, so 
7:49 home
Fed animals
ate  pulled pork on tortillas n chips
Bed 0830
(Merry went to Walmart, got my newest med for blood sugar, had lunch with her new bestie, got gas in the car, returned home, without me knowing any of it)
Slept until 1630 without waking up once  ....F*****'n amazing, eh?
UP and
ate yogurt with trail mix
took Metfo- and Atomox--
  too much but M had tears in her eyes as she was composing a journal at the computer ...  
Realized the battery powered clock on the dining room wall was wrong, oops
Showered dressed   kissed M good bye
Car 1825    office 19:38
In 1945
Easy enough with Things 1 n 2 here.
7 cars doing some event w/r so had to watch midnight rides to make sure somebody cleared in time to cover  (they did)
and did PM set up for Friday...
Out 23:59

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