Friday, December 25, 2020

23rd December, Wednesday, Diary, Stitch 2-11, HFC 68

 12:20 toilet, shower, b/t, shave, dry, dress, toilet


pills, coffee, 22uB, toilet

1342 3 in car. Drop me at Phy Ther 1356, in 2 - 230

She dropped S at Walmart, went to Winco, back for me 1435, then to Aldi (me to toilet, thought I pooped in diaper, but no...only gas), then Von's .. i went into Starbux for iced coffee, back to car... WF to deposit check from Dad (100), then to Walmart for rx and other, 

1612 home, groc up and away

Sorted through my purses, 

Rec'd 6 LP from Bllu

1645 Merry nap

*DnD 4/16b

*MMI 2/x, TRMS

1955 Merry up

*Jeop-rr, Tues, then Wed

12uN, pills, fried chicken n celery

*WoF - Tues

Fed Donna w/pills

WoF today, MB 8/2

car with M 2245, pick up Stitch, home 2325 44839

20uB, br 2330, NEWS

DJT did not concede


0500 most of a Dark Choc bar

sleep maybe after 0600

This marks seven full days of No Metformin.

Blood sugar... okay (222 to 146) surely because of insulin.

No episodes of diarrhea

Some of what seems like constipation, or maybe that's 'normal'? when not effected by the Metformin?

At any rate, I am pleased

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