Wednesday, December 30, 2020

29 December, Tuesday, Diary, Stitch 2-11, HFC 64

 11:07 ... toilet, made coffee


pills, 24uB, at computer...

Created Stitch's sign in on DDins, bill pay, credit cards...

I took S at 1340, home 1412

watched OklaSU vs Miami (1430 to 1800)

Sunshine out 1515, walmart etc, Merry home 1630, and too bedroom while I watched football

*Div 2/56

I checked with M, made sure she was feeling okay, then took 75 mg Sildenafil, and went into bedroom to join her...after undressing and cleaning up my butt and groin.... and began, well, masturbating, to get an erection  while watching All Rise

It worked, 80 to 90%

I got on her Missionary

..took a break, I continued masturbating...

She got on me, Cowgirl

and rolled off, I got back on top of her...

and we ...surrendered. 

Happy ending(s) for her, not me, oh well, we tried. I still have 100mg tablets to try

Up and dressed... to cold to hang around naked

2015 fed D with pill, in living room

*Chase - celebrity

2100 12uN, pills

Pastrami and mustard on T. Toast, open faced, p.chips

*MMI 2/13,14

*T Weakest Link 1/2

Merry out 2250, home with Stitch 2320


House passed legislation, upping Stimulus to $200; McConnell has stalled it in the Senate

DJT did not concede

*MB 8:19,20,21,22,23,24

Merry (Sunshine)to bedroom 0200

Read MCJ May '20, June '20

0315 to bedroom

couldn't sleep, felt the pressure in my gut like when I'm really stressed or nervous

0530 10uN, 2 Resse's Xmas Trees

 sleep ... 


  1. Just noticed that you were watching "All Rise" while attempting to get an erection. It worked!

    1. Actually, I came in while YOU were watching All Rise, and it is kinda funny.
