1030 Stitch brought tea and meds to Merry;
1215 up, fill pillbox, took pills, 23 uB, fix coffee, toilet ...., coffee
I've been reading MaleChastityJournal .... found a pix from "Fun with Shilo" on the blog entry! Merry unhappy about it (being used without permission); I contacted the writer...he wrote me back, within a day, maybe two, photo credit appeared on the photo.
The blog, shared by "Lion" and "Mrs Lion" dates back to Feb of 2014, with 50 to 60 entries every month. I'm in for a long read. Maybe one month's worth a day...
Merry n Stitch out 1340 ... she stopped at vet for D's pills, then at McD's for me, home 1435
*Win2/1 (Winsanity season two has returned! We really dislike the format from season 1!)
*Div'd, DnD
1530 Carlos here, Merry to bedroom to hide
at desktop writing letter to "Lion"
*TRMS, Jeop'y
*Carlos installed lights in dining room n kitchen, out 1915
20:00 Merry up
*Young Sheldon
fed Donna with pill, 13uN, pills, 2 McRibs and FF
*Mom, Unicorn, 11 News
Merry out 2245, home 2335, 44210
DJT did not concede
0130 bedroom
0500 PB and ginger ale
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