Saturday, January 31, 2015

1.31 Saturday Diary

Up 0900ish.
Got my stuff together, went out front, and began mowing/whipping the front yard, and the grassy area outside the fence, next to the sidewalk, on both sides of the house, using two whips, the cordless one, and the corded one...while Stitch, and eventually Babyman, came out to do the raking and clean up.

DONE, inside, 1300 ish...
Collapsed in my chair...
Feeling severe muscle fatigue, I went to the bedroom for a two hour nap.

UP...and we started talking about the wifi situation in the household, and that Tallship's devices seem to be soaking up the wifi to the detriment of someone who actually pays rent in the house, so I changed the password on the wifi...and relayed that password to Coco, and Merry composed a note for Tallship, since we were leaving soon, and didn't think we would see him.

We showered together and dressed, and I packed a dungeon bag...
Tallship did enter the house before we departed, but sat down in a chair, and studied his phone like he always does and seemed oblivious.... and Merry and I departed, enroute to our first dungeon party since...   I'm not sure when, possibly October. 
First we picked up HiLordBubba from his place, some 10 miles south east of us.
Then we were off to the BoD.
It was a five dollar party....Merry and I had... twelve dollars cash between us. When we arrived, HLB realized he had left his wallet at home, and could we pay his entry? 
We left him there, and drove off 1/2 mile to the 7-11 to access a rediteller, and returned, and paid our three ways' in, and entered.
It was a nearly full house. 
We sat, we talked, we walked around...
I was not feeling up to playing, myself.
A fellow walked up to Merry ...out of nowhere ..and asked about playing, and Merry took him up on it, and found a suitable place, while I monitored, as Merry likes to have a monitor, a job usually done by Stitch, when he is with us.
She beat on him... lightly..for a bit, then finished up with a hug.
We returned to talk to HLB...
............................  (past midnight, continues next....)

D sl S  45
D sl O or D  73
D un 69
D sl C 68
Days of her illness  13 
HER DO  no 

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