60 days, my accident
40 day, Her accident
00:00 to 00:45 awake
3:30 to 4 awake
6:00 up... Pee and poop..
Starting watching TNR 3:3
And Sunshine got out of bed and up.
Checked bank accounts.
Pulled wrapping paper out of garage.
Updated calendar and password files,
Watched TNR 3:4, 3:5
Showered and dressed
Car, with Sunshine, 10:30
76 gas
13:23 home.
Stuff , in and away.
Lunch, cheese quesadillas, while reading new AAA magazine.
14:30 -1600 nap
Snack, PB on tortillas
Watched TNR 3:6 and 1:1
While composing a letter to GG in response to a Xmas card from him.
Bedroom, watched TRMS (Tues).
Watched "Lady Gaga and The Muppets Holiday Spectacular"
Dinner beef stew and p chips.
2130 sleeping.
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