61 days, my accident
41 day, Her accident
00:00 up, pee and snack
06:00 up same
08:00 UP
Fed all
Cleaned up BR1
Emptied DW
Made a chai latte
Brought in water bottles and newspaper
TNR 1:1 thru 1:8
While inputting Diary for Tuesday and Wednesday
Merry brought coffee to me, first spilling the creamer when she shook the jug, then spilling the coffee when she threw something at me to clean up the creamer
16:30 showered, dressed
17:43 car with Her, to attend 19:00 service in SPW
No traffic to speak of, arrived 18:19, and sat in car in parking lot, until 1845
Went in, said hello to some friends, unseen for some time
Service ended 20:20
Off to closest Denny's.
While dining, a driver, with same first name as me, who worked for my company up until two years ago, approached, and we chatted.
Headed home
I was badly nauseated fom my dinner, and I sat, waiting for our bed to be made
And I threw up a bunch, then went to bed, 22:30
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