Wednesday, March 23, 2016

22 March, Tuesday Diary

while at work:
Watched  The Newsroom  3:5 and 6, then 1: 1 and 2

6:20 Out
6:21 on foot to the station
6:28 on the platform
6:37 on board the Red
6:38 Rolling
6:54 Stopped at 7th street
6:56 On board the Blue
6:58  Rolling
7:00 called Merry, eta 7:35
7:34 off the train at DA
7:36 in car with Merry
7:47  Home
Fed the animals...
MDM:  pork n rice, from last night, and t-chips
Watched TRMS from Monday night
09:00 sleeping
13:15 up to pee....  and a few spoons of ice cream
15:30 awake... having trouble getting back to sleep
17:30 alarm
17:40 UP
 Alka seltzer...pill.... showered n dressed....
18:14 in car with Merry n Babyman
19:11 at the office
19:14 In.

Quiet night, easy set up for the next day.
Merry reported that it took Babyman til 23:00 to get ready, but She did get him home...and then back again.


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