Friday, December 1, 2017

Dec 01 Friday morning (midnight to 0600)

OTC 00:28 to 0530
Merry and I went through a rashy exchange of emails.
I admitted to being responsible for our overage on VZ data usage, AND she was still upset about our 'discussion' on Thursday morning, so she thought discipline was called for, and we so we exchanged emails like so:
Oh never mind. I thought I was gonna copy and paste the chat, but I decided against.
Quite simply, she thinks she in "control of things" and I told her, no, she's not in control of me, I have choices, and if I choose to not go along with what she thinks I am in control of, then I won't.
SO no, she is not going to be spanking me today (Friday).  
IF she wants to give discipline, she can wait til Saturday when we MIGHT produce a video  and , or, MIGHT go to a party.
She MIGHT decide to do neither of those things, as if withholding activity that I enjoy is some form of punishment to me.
Ask me how much I care.

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