Sunday, February 14, 2016

13 February, Saturday, ( 111 )

01:00 awake, watched 'The Muppets'
  followed by female comedians, Amy .. then Whitney.
04:00 back to sleep
11:00 up for coffee; fed the cats... emptied the chamber pot, scooped the litter box...  looked at email...
13:00 showered n dressed.
13:52 in car with Merry to run errands.
  Started at 'my' bank.  Could not find my ATM card.  Wrote a check so that Sunshine could go in, get cash.  
She quickly came back out to ask if an $8 service charge would be okay. Well, what the fuck, yes.
She went back in, was gone long enough, that I finally decided to go in after her. she/Merry was coming out, and said,  "3 forms of ID, bank manager, go to the vault...etc etc..."  jeez.
Then to Von's, with an inside WellsFargo to deposit it.
I wanted to go in, also, to use the Starbucks card in my wallet.  
She went running off way ahead of me, which is a HUGE button for me, and I said something in an angry tone to Her about it, then went to stand in the Starbucks line.  
3 women working the kiosk, two people ahead of me, and still took way too long.
Finally, off to 'their' bank to make our house payment.
Which was closed.  Somebody forgot that their bank closes at 14:00 on Saturdays.
We knew we needed gas.... and the Arco on South street was definitely cheap enough, and we pulled in.
Then to the 99C store.  I wanted cards for my Dads's, and my ex-g/f's.. birthday.... etc.
AND a 7-11, for E-cig filters. I've been out since  late Tuesday night.
And home...long enough for me to use the toilet.. and get Stitch and Babyman in the car, and off we went to Far Golden Corral.
Far GC is about 27 miles, Near GC is about 5.  We only go to the Far one because they have a white chocolate fountain.
We arrived...and got in the line 16:39, and were inside at 17:30.
The white chocolate fountain was non-operational for the night.
Out 1834, and headed home.
We were listening to the Rep. debate on the radio..
And my Dad called.  So we turned off the radio, while I talked to him for about 20 minutes.
Radio back on,  home about 19:20.
ANd we watched the last of the Debate...  til about 20:00.
Surfed for somethin' else.
Saw that 'Guardians of the Galaxy' was just starting, so we watched that for the ... 9th? time.
Then saw that 'The Bone Collector' was just starting, which I'd seen twice, and Merry not at all, so we watched that...
00:00 sleep

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