Thursday, July 28, 2016

July 27th, Wednesday Diary

I was up and down through the night, depending on what Merry wanted ... something to drink, to potty, to readjust herself...

Pills at 07:30, and she fell into a good sleep until 10:30.
She got up..with help, and ate some kind of breakfast, sat at the computer desk, and with my help, sent out a sad announcement on Fet about the death of her beloved mentor, HLB.
Back in the bedroom...
She played on her phone...
I watched House 2:16 and 2:17 on my tablet, while jumping up whenever she asked for something.
I went flat for a nap around 12:00
Still had to get up every hour or so to help her.
At 17:00 she asked me to get up because she had called her regular doctor who called in a stronger pain med to the pharmacy at WM, and wanted me to fetch it before work.
I got up...
Stitch was home, and announced he had successfully gotten the next two days off work, so he could babysit day and night time while I slept and went towork.
Showered ...dressed....
Car ... to WM...
In and out quickly,  home   1815.
Handed over the meds,  packed up, and 
out  18:38   At work  19:28.

"It" was very slow and quiet, which was good, as I was very tired...

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