Monday, November 30, 2015

Nov 29th Sunday Diary

36 days since my accident
16 days since Her accident

Up 01:00
UP 04:00
UP  10:00
  Gathered laundry, in washer  1045
 Showered, dressed,  contacts in   ... toilet
  Packed up, mixed coffee..
  Sorted newspapers,  put 'em with snacks in a bag...
   In Her car with Stitch,  1150
    Stopped for gas...
   At work  12:40...   
    A nearly  18 hour shift about to begin....

    Doing set up for Monday, easy enough....
    The lead dispatcher for the night decided to leave 2 hours early...
     The moment I moved in to take his place...   as soon as I moved in to take his place, the other guy I work with went away on the toilet break that he takes every three hours  more or less, and the phones and two way radios 'blew up'....

Got through it.

Finished both Sunday papers....


Nov 28th Saturday Diary

35 days since my accident
15 days since Her accident

Up to pee  00:30; 04:30;  07:30

and UP   0900
She made breakfast:  'dirty' scrambled eggs, bacon, toast.
We watched "Unforgettable" eps 1 and 2, 
Then "Elementary"
Then "The Newsroom"  3:  1 & 2

Then OU vs OSU, from 1700 to  2030.

Dinner,  turkey on tortillas  (She called it 'turkey pizza') and mashed potatoes...

watched 'Guardians of the Galaxy'

and to sleep,  22:00

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Nov 27th Friday Diary

34 d, my account
14 d, Hers

0045 up to pee, get Her fluid to take Her meds with
734 up to pee
1230 up for alkaseltzer
Contacts in
Out to look at fence
In, clean out bag
And found lost photo albums
And pencils
1400 watched Gotham
Went into kitchen, and cleaned out freezer with Stitch's help
1530 w Ash vs Evil Dead
16 w Scorpion
17 w Major Crimes
18 w Fargo
Dinner turkey on tortillas, mashed potatoes, wild rice
1930 w Life in Pieces
20 sleep
22 up pee take contacts out, back to sleep

Nov 26 Thursday Thanksgiving Day, Diary

33 days, my accident
13 days, Her accident

One year, no cigarettes for me

4:00 up toilet, banana, scrabble

7:45 up
Contact lens in

Read two daily papers
Watched The Newsroom 2: 8, 9
Showered dressed
DB and wife n daughter arrived 1845

We ate and talked and laughed

They left, 2145

We cleaned up a little,
Contact lens out
Bed 2200

Nov 25th, Wednesday, Diary

32 days, my accident
12 days, her accident

Snack: banana, some energy bar, popcorn
Watched The Newsroom, Season 2:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Start on e-cig filter #2  ( I bought this pack of 2 filters on Nov 1).
1\2 of 1:8
Merry arrived to pick me up, out 7:48
Car 7:51
Dropped Babyman in HB, 8:52
Arrived Walmart South, 9:21
Home, 9:51
Brought stuff in, fed cats, 
Started on MDM, meatloaf and rice and chips
Watched TRMS from Tuesday
Sleep 11:40

Up p/s 12:45
17 40 up pee
Watched TRMS
Slept til 2200
Up to snack, toast and chips
Watched Code Black
Sleep, 0000.

Days since last cigarette :   364 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Nov 24th, Tuesday, Diary

31 days, my accident
11 days, Her accident

Quiet night at work, so...
watched The Newsroom  1: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Called Merry early to come in get me...
Watched 1/2 of 1:9  and She arrived just before 6.

In Her car  6:02,  home 6:31.

Feed some animals, 
Started MDM...   beef stew and t-chips.
Contact lenses OUT
Watched  "TRMS" from Monday.
Sleep  0800.

Up 0900, pee and snack

Up 1500, pee.

Up 1740
Toilet...dressed...contacts IN
Car with Merry and #4,  18:16
 Horrific traffic again:  at office  19:31.

Another quiet night...
Started on The Newsroom early...
Fnished  1:9, then watched 1:10.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Nov 23rd Monday Diary

30 days, my accident
10  days, Her accident

A rather slow one at work  ...
Had some popcorn and watched  "The NewsRoom"  3: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 
Spoke to Sleeping Merry at 0525...
Watched  TNR  1:1 

Merry arrived to pick me up  6:33
Car  6:37 to  7:32 

Fed Donna and some cats...
Prepped MDM,   meatloaf-and-rice in a bowl...  went to BR1, and waited for Her to arrive, then watched 'CSI-Cyber'
Contact lenses out
  and to sleep  0915

Up to pee etc   11:30 and 15:00....

Up and moving  17:4..0
Toilet ..dressed...  re-booted... Contact lenses in

Car 18:17...
 Traffic snafus
At work   19:37  

QUIET night...
Started  on TNR early... before midnight, watched  1:2 and 1:3....

Monday, November 23, 2015

Nov 22nd, Sunday -- Diary

Day 29, my accident
Day   9, Her accident..

Awake 01:00 and 05:00
Coco knocked on our door, 0900, and opened it when I said, "Come in"  to say 'good bye'.
So, awake to make coffee
  Eat a banana, and later, t-chips...
In bed, reading newspapers, playing WWF.

UP 13:15 ... toilet... shower... dressed... toilet.... boot on foot... ready...

Merry, Babyman, and I to Merry's car,  14:00.
Stopped for a tank 'o' gas...
At work  14:41.

About 86 rides happened/happening Sunday...
And 53 to 'worry about' Monday...
Not a tough night...

Played more WWF at work, 
 and read the parts of the two papers I brought with me...  snack: potato chips
23:30, started on  The Newsroom  3:1.

Nov 21st, Saturday, Diary

Day 28, my accident
Day 08  Her accident

01:30   Up to p
03:30   Up to p
05:00  awake....
06:25 Up
 Toilet  shower   dressed...     
  Coco was driving, and was waiting to get into the bathroom which #1 had just gone  ... a long wait...

In her car, with all three dogs riding along,  0725.
At work  08:00....

72 rides for today,  78  to manage for tomorrow...    heh...

SO  the ops manager at work,  "RS" had sent me an email, requesting a meeting with me prior to the start of my shift on Tuesday regarding 'my health'
  and I emailed my supervisor, DB, and told him that I do NOT want any meeting with RS re my health, and was giving notice to quit, whether it be one week, two, or three.
 We talked about it  at work during the day...
And agreed that I had no need to meet with RS, and I wasn't giving notice to quit.

With a few bumps .... it was quiet enough to place a few games of WWF,  and watch a good chunk of OU TCU, that started at 17:00 or so....

which had a happy ending,  and the first 'happy ending' I've had in some time...

Dinner,  excellent beef stew,  warmed tortillas, then tortilla chips.. 
Watched "Guardians of the Galaxy" ...  
                     sleep  22:00

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Nov 20th, Friday...Diary

day 27, my accident
day 07, Her accident
pay day for Stitch and myself

Up 03:00,  pee  .... toast and banana....

up 730   ...made coffee.... playing scrabble-like games on tablet or phone...

Laundry, in and out...

Updating mail and bills....  deciding what to pay..
Writing checks...

Merry, to supermarket,  12:30...
while I paid bills online, and updated my diaries....      

Merry home  14:00...I assisted in bringing groceries...

Merry left to go to another market...
I went into BR1 and watched "Agents of Shield"

Merry returned.... and I helped bring more groceries in....
Merry and Coco departed, to go to OC to fetch #4,  then go visit #2 in LBMH....
I watched  "You're the Worst"   ...for what may be the last time...

Then "Criminal Minds"... then  "TRMS"  

Merry n Coco n #4  arrived home, Merry started dinner...

Merry n I watched "The Big Bang Theory"
 then dinner was ready,   Chicken n   Wild Rice n T-chips..
and we watched "Life in Pieces"
 Then "Elementary"  ...
   And I went to sleep   because I had an early shift next day 2130

Friday, November 20, 2015

Nov 19th Thursday Diary

Day 26, my accident
Day 06, Her accident

01:00 up pee and snack
03:25  up, toilet
07:15 both of us up
Feed all...   talking,   helping Merry get dressed
Dressed myself... toilet
Merry, Coco, and I in Merry's car, Coco driving...
to Ortho doctor's office, southern LB...arrived 8:37... to see doctor  0930...
  Who said, x rays did NOT show any fractures, so She could get by without the splint on Her wrist, but still not a thing to be done about the ribs.
out 10:00
Merry called #2 to see if he was up for a visit (he wasn't) home...
Snack: coffee and toast in living room chair..
THen to BR1   12:30
Started to watch Criminal Minds.
Merry was with me, asked me to pause it while She went to toilet...
I got TOO tired while waiting, and turned it off, and went to sleep...

and slept

and slept

Up at some point to watch TRMS...

Merry got dressed, and went with Coco, or rather, Coco drove her to LBCC to see a benefit being put on for #2's ...well, benefit...
She returned home.... 22:30 I think...I was still mostly asleep....
No dinner for me....

NOv 18th, Wednesday, Diary

Day 25, my accident
day  05, Her accident

Up 01:30, pee and snack: potato chips
Up 05:30, pee and snack: ice cream
09:30 Up .... coffee
 In BR1, watched  "Zero Dark Thirty"
  then  "Taken 3"
Then the last half of "Godzilla"  from 2003 or so
"TRMS"  from  6 to 7
  "Muppets" from 7 to 7:30
Assisted with giving Merry a shower,   as Her left arm, from elbow to fingers, was in a cast, and her ribs still hurting something fierce...   7:30 to 8:30
Watched  "SVU"  9 to 10  
Dinner, leftover chicken and rice and t-chips...
watched "Code Black"   10 to 11
  sleep  11:15

Nov 17th, Tuesday Diary

day 24, my accident
day 04 , Her accident

01:00 up pee and snack
  watched Fargo    
   asleep  02:30
awake 6:15
Watched Gotham
   fixed my notebook...again
Watched Scorpion
in car with  Coco...  to bank, make the house payment, then Winco for some shopping...
Home, unloaded, cleanedup kitchen...
IN BR1, rented and watched  "Avengers Age of Ultron"
Nap   13:45 to 15;30
UP, pee and snck
Nap  1530 to 17:45
UP... toilet   dressed...
in Coco's car,  1835.... feeling very nauseated on the way to work...there  1935
to the bathroom, vomiting..
  at work in and out of bathroom...
 Reached supervisor, said he could get a relief to me in about an hour  (21:15).
I reached Coco, who wasn't hom yet, to turn around and come back.
So an hour at work   19:45 to 20:46..
In car with her, 2047, home 2125
in BR1
watched TRMS....    
  snacking on potato chips.
   to sleep   23:00 

Nov 16th, Monday Diary

Day 23, my accident
Day  03, Her accident

watched  The Newsroom  2:3, 4 while munching on popcorn,  Detour Simple, rice cakes..
and continued with  2:5,6,7.  
Off clock 6:31 
IN car with Coco,  6:35, home 7:35.
Feed ALL
and ate MDM:  chicken,  toritalls with cheese, or peanut butter, or butter...  
  then ALL the remaining peanut butter pie, about half of it...
Watched CSI Cyber  and   sleep  0900

13:00 up to p
17:20 UP
to toilet, and vomiting, a lot....
Merry called into my supervisor, that I was out sick.
I stayed in the bathroom until I figured the worst wa over, then went back to BR1, and took a bucket to throw up into, with me.
and Sleeping...
and watched TRMS from 18:15 to 19:15
then The Newsroom  2:8 and 1/2 of 2:9
Dinner... chicken soup...
watched Major Crimes
Finished   TNR 2:9...and   
  out 23:45.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Nov 15, Sunday, Diary

Day 22, my accident
Day  02, Her accident

awake  00:45
Watched Elementary
  W   Ash vs Evil Dead, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy,  Life in Pieces
  off to the toilet.................................  sleep  03:30

06:30  Pee and snack....

09:30  awake....   coffee and newpapers
 while watching  TNR  1:10,  2:1, 2:2 
and started on 2:3, but fell asleep from  13:30 to 16:45.

Some discussion and confusion earlier as Coco misunderstood what my scheduled start time at work is on Sunday  (15:30) 
 And She had a shower to be at from noon to 17:00.
So I dealt with the office, let them know I'd be in some later than what was expected...

UP ... toilet.... shower .... dressed... toilet.... packed up   

In Coco's car,  17:53    and at work  18:50.

What a fukkin night..
 Some 'music' event on for MTV at the  PDC...  a 159 ride day, and very touch and go whether we'd get all the rides covered.
  (we did)
Except for the on line booking I got at 23:50 (that's 2:50 eastern) for a pickup at BWI (Baltimore) at 06:00.
  I called the 4 affiliates we have listed in Baltimore (one 'no', three recorded messages) and 5 affiliates we have listed in the DC area...  nothin' honey.
I hate making all the calls; I have even more saying 'no' to our clients.

Nov 14, Saturday, Diary

Day 21, my accident
Day  01  Her accident.

01:30 up, pee and  ...snack.

We were sleeping okay, then #2 called, after reading Merry's fb post about Her accident...  DEMANDING  She get checked out at a hospital.
So we were awake, and She was not doing well.
So we got up and around...
I wrote a long FB post along the lines of "FML"...
She was nauseated, so I helped Her in the bathroom, which woke up Stitch...around 05:30....   
And we continued sitting up, not wanted to wake Coco up, but waiting for her to get up, to take Merry ..and the hospital.
She was awake around 0700, and we got ready...
She drove..which was the idea...and dropped us off, 0730.

The hospital was rather quiet.  She got through registration, check in, triage, rather quickly...along with going through the x-ray department. 
There was a bit of a wait, for a bed to open in the examining area...
But soon we were there.... visiting by a nurse, and the same doctor who treated me, three weeks prior.
Merry wound up with a splint on Her left wrist, covering a bone that may or may not be broken...  
Nothing to do about Her ribs, broken or otherwise...
She got a tetanus shot in view of the scrape on Her knee...
Then came a VERY long wait, for results from the x-ray department.   
Finally She was discharged....
I summoned Coco by text.
The doctor said while we were leaving, "See you in a couple weeks?"
So, we were picked up around noon.
Went to a CVS to drop off the script for Norco.
And home, we both went into BR1.
CVS called, they were having a problem with... getting authorization for the prescribing doctor.
They called again later, which resulted in Coco fetching the script from them, and taking it to Walmart, which notified us by text, it was ready within 30 minutes.
(We still haven't picked it up yet)
So .... Merry dozed, and I watched football with half an eye, while sleeping from  1 to 4:30.
Awake 17:00 to watch OU vs Baylor.
  til 21:00
Then watched the Democratic Debate which I had recorded earlier, from 6 to 8.   
Merry managed to get up and make dinner, with a lot of help from Stitch... baked chicken, and rice.....   .
   sleep ..................................................... 23:00

Friday the 13th of November, Diary

Day 20, my accident...

W  Scorpion, American Horror Story, The Big Bang Theory 
.............................................................. 03:45

Bullfrog/Son#1 called Merry:  he was at one of his job sites, and had locked the only key I have to my car inside my car....
SO off She went to the rescue...  to call AAA and be there when they arrive.

Later, She called me  "Good news or bad news?"
In short, the unlock mission was successful.
She tripped over a parking lot concrete block, and landed mostly on Her left wrist...  banging up that and a knee, and some ribs.

She returned home...and went out to the garage, just to check out Bullfrog's room to see if he might have walked off with Her bottle of vicodin.   
Not there, but She did  almost trip over a sleeping body,  an old friend of #1 and #2's, who #1 had invited to stay ...after he got out of jail, and very much unbeknownst to us.
 Meanwhile, I found the missing bottle of pills in a drawer next to Her side of the bed.

Upright,  and W TRMS  from Thursday...
Then Criminal Minds, Law and Order SVU...

Coco arrived...first time we've seen her since early September.... 
We thought she was coming to town just to pick up her dogs and leave again..
  she had just spent a week at a job in LV that was not working out, and she was leaving there heading to, well, I'm not sure.
She wound up, moving back into her old room at the house.
Just in time, as she volunteered to drive, if it turned out that Merry was out of commission.

Six adults in the house  (okay, four in the house, two in the garage) and one bathroom.

Watched  Agents of Shield.
Merry made dinner, bean shoup... t-chips, toast.
Watched TRMS,  which usually is not on Friday, but this was a special report, due to the attacks in Paris.
Watched You're the Worst, Muppets, Life in Pieces.....................  
..............................................  23:00

Day 0, Her accident

Nov 12th, Thursday Diary

Day 19, my accident

0100 up to pee,  again 04:00
0800 UP 
 Feed dogs...  in bed..
W  CSI-Cyber,  then Major Crimes...
Coffee and toast...
In car 12:00
  To Chase, to empty my account,  then  Wells Fargo/Vons/Starbucks
  Home   12:5
In my chair, reading paper, 
To dining room table
 Going through accumulated mail and bills..and sorting,  seeing what has been paid, what should be paid, what will be apid..
Reading magazines...
Stitch came home, we all got 'ready'
In Her car 18:00...arrived at Golden Corral 19:30

Departed 21:15, and home 21:50.

To BR,  
  W   Gotham,  Fargo ................................ 

Nov 11th, Wednesday Diary

Day 18, My accident

@ work: W:  TNR 1:4
Talked to Sunshine on the phone awhile, about bills she had paid.
Then W:  TNR  1: 5,6,7,8,9.
Merry arrived to pick me up 7:56.
In Her car  08:00, home  8:50.

Fed the animals...   
Dinner:  chili on egs and cheese,  and t-chips.
W: the Rep Debate from the previous night...   to  11:00.

16:00 awake to pee.

1900 awake again,  W  TRMS from Tuesday
Then TRMS from today (Wednesday )
Dinner   bean soup and t-chips
W  Code Black                                    to 23:00

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


first, lemme get this out of the way:

  Whooptee doo and big fuckin' deal.


at work:
 watched  TNR  3:6, then 1:1, 2, 3.
Off work 6:25, as Merry arrived for me
6:30 in car
7:22 at home.
Feed ALL the critters.
 Bullfrog was... of course... bogarting the kitchen....
So Merry took care of prepping MDM for me...
Chicken (what She had cut off for me before The Dog ate the rest of it, the night before) and toast and t-chips
and watched TRMS from Monday.
0900  Sleep.

1100 I think it was , up to pee and for snack...
  which was peanut butter, straight out of the jar, and I think I had too much, as I was mighty queasy later on...

1715  up
   change socks n underwear and wash up some...
   Boot back on, and ready...
   18:13  three of us in car
    Really snarled traffic...
   19:37 at work....
Working with Supervisor DB as my regular partner had called 'out' due to whatever-it-doesnt-matter..
Which meant, me actually doing some work,  and considering we finished Tuesday with 157 rides, and were starting Wednesday with 136, there was some work to be done.....

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Nov 9th, Monday, Diary AD16

At work:
  w'd TNR  3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

6:19 Merry pulled into the garage
6:23  in car with Her
7:05  Home

We  fed all, dogs and cats.
PUt together my dinner.... leftover pork chops and rice, and warmed tortillas.

In BR1,  ..watched "Comic Book Men"

That ended at 8, and I was ready to get to sleep.
As a movie was starting on the channel that was on behind the DVR... "Calendar Girls"
Merry said, "That's a good movie...."
Movie over 09:45, and to sleep.  I still blame Merry for it.

Up 1300, to pee, and get a peanut butter cup.

Awake 17:00, needing to pee again.  Alarm was set to go off in 30 minutes; saw no point in trying to get any more sleep, so I was up to stay.
 Toilet...    brushed teeth and hair...
  Took off boot, changed underwear and socks, put on pants, put on boot...     made a big cup of coffee.....

18:20 three of us in car
19:22  at work.

A busy night with reservation over flow calls... which is what happens when somebody calls the res line and waits in the queue longer than five minutes--the call 'kicks' to the dispatch queue.  
My associate took most of them, and good practice for him.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Nov 8th, Sunday, Diary, AD 15

we watched
  You're the Worst
   M's Agents of Shield
  L&O SVU (which had Sunshine crying....)
  and TNR  2: 7.  ................................................  04:00

Up to pee, numerous times.

UP 14:00 ...
 Toilet.... took my walking boot off,   got in shower on a stool, Merry came in and did the washing on me ....
Dressed, put on walking boot, etc....
Prepped and ready,  NO crutches. 
 Three of us, in Her car  15:00
 At work   15:50 .

Night work, done by 1845,  not bad.
Morning set up,   not tough.

Diaries, caught up. 

Checked on my accumulated hours...
Perused the TV Guide for the next two weeks...
Watched TNR  2: 8 & 9 .... 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Nov 7th, Saturday, Diary AD-14


I kinda woke up with Her next to me, feeling sick Herself...
And She turned on the tv to "Remember the Titans"  ... one of my fav movies, so I watched with Her....
Then started watching the OU ISU game ... on my tablet,   
and we watched
  The Big Bang Theory
 Life in Pieces
  American Horror Story
  The Muppets.
   Dinner:  soup, same as last night, and t-chips...
  Major Crimes
  Ash vs Evil Dead
   Guardians of the Galaxy ..................................................... 

Nov 6th Friday Diary AD-13

Felt like crap... flu like....   chills....   head ache...
Could not get out of bed...
Slept..woke up for a minute, to pee, maybe, back to sleep until...
She asked me to go into the living room, and sit in a chair, so that the dogs could wander around...
I sat back in my chair, and Donna jumped up and joined me and we napped together, while Merry went to Her appointment, and to get prescriptions, etc....
Then I moved into BR2 so I could stretch out, and the big dogs joined me...
When Stitch came home, I got up, and moved into BR1...

And watched the Democratic Forum .... 

and went back to sleep...

Dinner,  some kind of vegetable soup, and chips....
and sleeping, while half heartedly watching tv
  and sleeping through the night...

Nov 5th, Thursday, Diary AD 12

0300 awake, pee and snack
6:30 up just before my alarm...
 toilet, getting ready....
Merry was up a minute before Her alarm... and She got into the shower...
I got dressed, mixed my drink  to go  (ginger ale, mountain dew, red bull)...
We headed out,
  In car 7:15.
  We spent 45 minutes wandering around E LA because She started out by following Waze directions, then NOT following directions when She didn't like them... until we got off surface streets and onto the 101...
 At work  8:55....

(19:20 now, and REALLY ready to go home...but my relief is not here yet,  
   (scratch that, I can see him out in the garage, having a cigarette before he comes in)  and Merry is not here yet, so I'm not going much of anywhere soon...)
19:33 ON the way home
stopped for gas
 20:40  home

  dinner:  pork chops, rice, and toast
w Elementary  
   sleep  23:00  

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nov 4th, Wednesday, Diary AD-11

at work:
  watched TNR 1: 10, then 2:1, 2, 3, 4, 5

off 7:50 when Merry arrived....
Home  8:55
Dinner  :  pulled pork, warmed tortillas  and t-chips, a banana, while
watching TRMS
and sleep   1015
12:15 awake, pee and snack,  peanut butter cups 
back to sleep
Up 1815   watched TRMS...
   Criminal Minds
  Code Black
 and back to sleep 2300, as I had to get up 'early' the next day for a day shift at work.  

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Nov 3rd, Tuesday, Diary AD 10

At work...
  Supervisor-DB at office 00:00 to 01:00, updating payroll, and chatting...
  Watched TNR  1:  6,7,8, 9.
OUT 6:29
Merry here, in car  6:33
Home 7:32.

Fed the dogs,   etc.
Dinner:  pulled pork, warmed tortillas, t-chips, banana, 
 while watched Monday's TRMS.
0830  sleep

Up 10:30, pee and  snack (two peanut butter cups leftover from Halloween).

1530 awake... off and on til
1730  up,  dressed...bathroom to prep.

to car...
 work  19:21

Monday, November 2, 2015

Nov 2nd, Monday, Diary AD-9

Caught up on  10 days of Diaries  while playing online Scrabble/Words with Friends with Merry (who should be sleeping, as She has to come n get me in a few hours...)

05:00 (in Florida) where's my car, in  Coconut Creek Florida...and the affiliate I called said, "We don't have any such order...."   

Bombed on phone calls from 0450 to 0515, while still alone because the 2 guys due in at 0500 where not in yet...

watched TNR 1: 4, 5

Out  6.27,  Merry arrived to pick me up 6:37...
Home 7:37.  I waited in the car while She went in to feed the dogs.
She came back to the car ...we headed off to an appointment I had...
Stopped for gas...
Arrived at this orthopedics place  815...
And by 0900, we were leaving, me with my right foot in a 'walking boot'.
Home, time to eat  pulled pork, t-chps, and a banana, while reading parts of Sunday's paper.
Bed  9:50.
Up to pee 13:45
Awake again 1530 and about every 40 minutes thereafter, until 1730 when I got up...
 Dressed..toilet..getting ready.
Decided time to go to the car, so THEN Stitch decided to feed the dogs...
Car 18:15
at work  19:27.   

Nov 1st, Sunday, Diary, AD-8

note:  I am still using crutches. I have an appointment Monday morning, to get a walking boot.  Then i can walk without crutches, but I still won't be able to drive ANY time soon

to BR1  
watched  TNR 1: 1, 2, 3...
and we watched the digital clock go from  01:59 to 01:00.
                                                                       sleep   02:30

09:00 She woke up in great pain from ...something.... not yet diagnosed, and could only get comfortable with a great deal of difficulty....
After which I dozed and woked up every 45 minutes to an hour...

Finally up 13:45
  Could not shower, would need help, 
Prepped 'stuff' ...
Ready at 1415, sat down a few, then called for #1.
Who agreed to drive, since Merry was in so much pain up to this point, but was currently sleeping after taking a pill for the pain....

To the car ... 14:30.
I navigated...
We exited SMB as I usually do, and stopped at 7-11 for e-cig filters....
and on to the office..
Arrived 15:25.

Limped in..(on crutches)
Doing Monday's set up.....
Kansas City finished off NY to win the World Series....

Oct 31st, Halloween, Diary AD-7

note :  this is being composed  slightly more than one day after the events took place

00:17  the first ep of  "Ash vs Evil Dead"  (AvED).
Sunshine was with me, and wanted to watch the movie, Guardians of the Galaxy.
Of course, she fell asleep halfway through, and I watched the whole thing. .................  03:45

14:00 Up and sitting in LR.
watching some football,  OU kicking Kansas up and down the field...
 Reading blog entries..on my tablet...
#1 had his pre teen daughter over for the weekend, and I was sitting around in a shirt and briefs, trying to be mostly covered up...
After they left to go trick or treating, I said I was ready, 
and Merry and I went into the bathroom, and took a shower, with Her assistance, but it was much more than that.  I sat on a high stool in the shower, and She did most of the washing.
Out and done, about 19:00.
Seated again in the living room, 
 watched TNR 3:2 and 3
  while counting trick or treaters.
  We had a total of three visits to the door, a total head count of 13.
Dinner :  pulled pork on  tortillas.
Watched TNR 3:4,5,6.   .....................................................

Oct 30th, Friday, Diary, AccDay-6

note: this is being composed  two days after the events occurred

Watched AHS #4
 Then TNR 2:5 .....................................  02:30

12:00 She served breakfast,  scrambled eggs with cheese, toast, coffee.
Upright, sitting in living room...
Watched, on my tablet, TNR 2:6, 7, 8, 9
then                    Burn Notice  7: 12 and 13
then                    Daredevil   1:1
Dinner:  steak(?)  rice and t-chips 
 w                        Daredevil 1:2
Moved to BR1
 watched TRMS
 and the last half hour of "Army of Darkness" ........................

Oct 29th, Thursday, Diary, AccDay5

note: this is being composed  three days after the events occurred

Watched  TNR 1:9, 1:10, then 2:1, 2:2    to 0500

12:00 awake, 
 sitting in LR.

Back to BR1
 watched Code Black, rerun from last night;
 Watched TRMS 
 Watched TNR 2:3 
Dinner beef stew and toast n butter.
W  TNR 2:4
American Horror Story (AHS) #1, 2, 3 .....

Oct 28th, Wednesday Diary, AccDay4

Note:  This was composed 4 days after the events occurred

Watched  TNR 1:8  and to sleep  01:45

0430 up, for toilet and snack...

12:00 to living to sit. and nap.
back to BR1  17:00
Watched the Republican Debate  1700 to 1930
w  TRMS  7:30 to 8:30
w Criminal Minds  9 - 10
Dinner  Beef stew and t-chips
w Code Black  10 - 11
Watched 'the news'  11 to 1130
W  You're the Worst  11:30 to midnight.....

Oct 27th, Tuesday, Diary Acc.Day 3

Note; this is being composed 5 days after the events occurred

Finished Gotham at 00:30, watched Fargo til 0130  then to sleep.

06:00 awake, got up to pee and snack.
back to sleep
13:00 awake...
Watched TNR  1:5 and 1:6

Merry served to me eggs and linguica....
Slept some more
Played Scrabble-variants on my phone and tablet.
Watched TRMS from 6 to 7.
Then TNR 1:8
Muppets  8 to 8:30
Fresh off the Boat  8:30 to 9
Agents of Shield  9 to 10
  dinner chicken and rice and cheese quesadillas
Limitless  10 to 11.
The news  11 to 11:30
Steve Colbert 11:30 to mid because Hillary was a guest....


Oct 26th, Monday, Diary, AD-2

note: this is being composed six days after the events took place

We watched an hour's worth of Comic Book Men, followed by TNR 1:1.    
  .................. 02:45

We woke up at 0850,in order to call my doctor by 0900.
Which resulted in getting a referral to an ortho..
And calling that doctor, twice, and getting an appointment for 5 hours later.
Sleep til noon...
Coffee and toast...
Dressed...and hobbled to car, 1345
At Doctor 1400, filling in paper work.
Got to see doctor oh  1500...
  broken fibula, at the ankle..and a torn  tendon or ligament. Not sure, no doubt Merry will correct me.
 Rewrapped the foot in a splint.
Was told, they would submit a request for a walking boot, which I'd have on oh 6 to 8 weeks....   
And it's my driving foot, so ...i won't be driving.
Left there 16:00.
Drove through McDee's; She wanted a chocolate sundae, and I was up for an iced coffee... then around the corner to get a newspaper...
and the living room.
I watched TNR 1:2 and 3.
Then Toilet.
Then watched TNR 1:4
Then moved to BR1.
Watched TRMS, 
then Scorpion,
dinner  chicken and rice...
watched TBBT
Started on Gotham,  2330 .......................................... 

Oct. 25th, Sunday Diary A.D. 1

writer's note: this is being composed one week after the events took place....

Once we realized that 'playing' was out of the question, we decided to head home .  
She drove...
Arriving, I limped inside, went into BR1.
And watched  "Blunt Talk" season finale, followed by "Guardians of the Galaxy" ..animated.  
    to sleep  02:45.
6:45 I woke up to pee, and thought I'd see what was in the kitchen...
The pain was so much, I passed out or fainted in the kitchen.
I think I was conscious enough to catch myself from falling hard, but I do remember opening my eyes, flat on my back in the kitchen, and thinking about how cool it was there, and if I had a pillow, I could just stay there.
I managed to get up and get back in the bedroom.
I told a half awake Merry what happened, and She said, "I thought I heard some kinda thump in there."

More sleep...
Then up noonish, She served coffee and toast...
My ankle had swallen to base ball size.
We decided to go to a hospital, to at least get it xrayed.
I let DB aka 'supervisor' know that, me coming to work today was ... well, not happening...
and off we went.
In general, the hospital was a case of hurry up and wait..
But, not like I/we had anything else  to do.
We were at the same hospital that Merry's #2 was in, so during one waiting period, I sent Her off to go visit him.
I had brought both Sundays' papers, so I was prepared, but I was having trouble staying awake.

Around 1530, with a disc of x-rays in hand, and a splint on my ankle, and supplied with a pair of crutches, I was discharged.
We stopped at "In and Out" on the way home, because I had a ten dollar gift card, and I got a protein style burger (no bun) and fries and I don't remember, some soda.
I declined to eat in the car, like Merry does, and I waited til She was done.
We went home...
I went into BR1 and ate and read the papers, and watched tv, football, I think..
Nap   1700 to 20000
Dinner was leftover stir fry.
And we watched  CSI Cyber starting at 23:30 ....

Oct 24th, Saturday Diary

Writer's note: this is being composed  eight days after the date...

Awake  ... and asleep
Awake... and asleep
Awake  ..and asleep

Awake 1500 for the end of the Texas T  OU game
Awake 18:00
Merry put black dye in my hair which actually had more of a green tint...
Then She added red dye to my beard and mustache...
Then I took a shower...
She put white make up on my face, and black around my eyes...
And we tore up an old shirt, and She applied spots of red ... I don't know what to call it, but fake blood.
Dinner....  beef (I think... ) stir fry.
Packed the dungeon bag, and we were in Her car at 22:15 heading for the Halloween party at the BoD.
We walked up the steep driveway,  all asphalt...
I stepped in a pothole, and took a hard fall.
And did something to my right ankle.
I stayed on the ground for some time, until a large fellow helped me upright, and brought me a chair, which I stayed in for awhile.
Merry paid our admission.
I took our bag inside the dungeon.
Merry and I went out by the fire circle, and hung out there awhile....

October 23rd Friday Diary

Writer's note: this is being composed at 01:00 on Nov 2,  some nine days later)

06:30  up  
  Toilet, shower, dressed.
Fed cats, mixed my drink, fed the dogs, toilet again...
Kissed Merry good bye.
In car 7:26,  at work  08:30.
Clocked in 8:39  
OUT 19:30.
In car 19:33,   home  20:32.
Talked to Merry a bit...
Changed my large daily bag...
IN BR1, watched TRMS ..
Dinner:  pork, potatoes, rice, t-chips...
                                                              sleep  22:30.