Monday, November 2, 2015

Nov 2nd, Monday, Diary AD-9

Caught up on  10 days of Diaries  while playing online Scrabble/Words with Friends with Merry (who should be sleeping, as She has to come n get me in a few hours...)

05:00 (in Florida) where's my car, in  Coconut Creek Florida...and the affiliate I called said, "We don't have any such order...."   

Bombed on phone calls from 0450 to 0515, while still alone because the 2 guys due in at 0500 where not in yet...

watched TNR 1: 4, 5

Out  6.27,  Merry arrived to pick me up 6:37...
Home 7:37.  I waited in the car while She went in to feed the dogs.
She came back to the car ...we headed off to an appointment I had...
Stopped for gas...
Arrived at this orthopedics place  815...
And by 0900, we were leaving, me with my right foot in a 'walking boot'.
Home, time to eat  pulled pork, t-chps, and a banana, while reading parts of Sunday's paper.
Bed  9:50.
Up to pee 13:45
Awake again 1530 and about every 40 minutes thereafter, until 1730 when I got up...
 Dressed..toilet..getting ready.
Decided time to go to the car, so THEN Stitch decided to feed the dogs...
Car 18:15
at work  19:27.   

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