Day 21, my accident
Day 01 Her accident.
01:30 up, pee and ...snack.
We were sleeping okay, then #2 called, after reading Merry's fb post about Her accident... DEMANDING She get checked out at a hospital.
So we were awake, and She was not doing well.
So we got up and around...
I wrote a long FB post along the lines of "FML"...
She was nauseated, so I helped Her in the bathroom, which woke up Stitch...around 05:30....
And we continued sitting up, not wanted to wake Coco up, but waiting for her to get up, to take Merry ..and the hospital.
She was awake around 0700, and we got ready...
She drove..which was the idea...and dropped us off, 0730.
The hospital was rather quiet. She got through registration, check in, triage, rather quickly...along with going through the x-ray department.
There was a bit of a wait, for a bed to open in the examining area...
But soon we were there.... visiting by a nurse, and the same doctor who treated me, three weeks prior.
Merry wound up with a splint on Her left wrist, covering a bone that may or may not be broken...
Nothing to do about Her ribs, broken or otherwise...
She got a tetanus shot in view of the scrape on Her knee...
Then came a VERY long wait, for results from the x-ray department.
Finally She was discharged....
I summoned Coco by text.
The doctor said while we were leaving, "See you in a couple weeks?"
So, we were picked up around noon.
Went to a CVS to drop off the script for Norco.
And home, we both went into BR1.
CVS called, they were having a problem with... getting authorization for the prescribing doctor.
They called again later, which resulted in Coco fetching the script from them, and taking it to Walmart, which notified us by text, it was ready within 30 minutes.
(We still haven't picked it up yet)
So .... Merry dozed, and I watched football with half an eye, while sleeping from 1 to 4:30.
Awake 17:00 to watch OU vs Baylor.
til 21:00
Then watched the Democratic Debate which I had recorded earlier, from 6 to 8.
Merry managed to get up and make dinner, with a lot of help from Stitch... baked chicken, and rice..... .
sleep ..................................................... 23:00
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