Sunday, November 23, 2014

Diary SAT Nov 22

0900 UP...
Prepping etc..
Then outside, using the string-edger (aka whip) on all the front, inside the fence, then on the sidewalk and area outside the fence on both sides of our house.
Stitch came out, and we began raking and bagging, he started on the inside, me on the outside.
I finished raking and bagging the outside, and moved inside, and helped him, until it was done.
We put the tools away, then I got his assistance while I drove some stakes to reinforce the wiggly picket fence.
And went inside.
I sat down, and began discussing budget and bills with Merry...
Then was able to get up and strip and take a shower, with Merry.

Muscle-sore and tired, I went to the bedroom, to start watching tv.
I watched the 2nd ep of "News Room" again...
She announced dinner was ready, and we filled plates, and went to the bedroom to watch the ep of "Big Bang Theory" that She had fallen asleep during...
Then I started watching 'Scorpion' and She excused herself...
And while decided what to watch next, I all but fell asleep.
She came in,  laying next to me, and asked if I was 'crabby'  or.... 
And I said, "Just tired..."
She started tickling and goosing me, til I said, "Please....stop...please..."
She stopped,  and took a pillow and put it on top of my head....
And I slept that way awhile......

HsLS  32
HsLO 83
HsLD  84
H UN 33
Her DO  No

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