Tuesday, May 19, 2015

05.18 Monday Diary

0015  Pill...
Updated diary the previous Saturday and Sunday...
Watched "The Newsroom"  season 3: 1 & 2.
Off work and out  6:28.
Stopped to get 10 bucks wortha gas at  $4.21 / gal.
Listened to multiple reports on the news of an overturned truck on the SB 5/EB 60.
So I stayed on the SB 101 into the EB 10, then SB 710, and had no significant problems other than the usual (traffic).
7.16 Home. 
I unlocked and opened the security/screen door.  
The wood door was locked.
Why? Who the fuck locked it? There are FOUR people inside the house, which idiot thinks this door needs to be locked, like the security door isn't enough... along with the two to six dogs that are inside the house depending on the time of day, who bark themselves hoarse when the mailman comes up the steps...
The lock on the wood door can be fussy. I don't have a problem, but sometimes it can take more than a second.  I had the key in the lock, and ... Stitch yanked the door open,  very nearly breaking off the key in the lock while I was holding it. 
Just what I needed  once I got home.
DM:   warmed up chicken breast and red beans /rice.
While watching "Nurse Jackie"
And playing 'Trivia Crack' on my phone against Merry. She challenged me, last night, and we've been going back and forth.
0915 to sleep.

I was awake ..off and on.... I guess...
She called around 3...to tell me to plan to take my car to work.
Alarm off 1745  Up 1755.
...In the living room, as Merry and Stitch arrived home.
Stitch brought in stuff from Wal mart.
I hit the toilet, showered...dressed....
 Merry told me that we are getting Babyman, this coming Friday, for the holiday week end.
  And he wants a haircut.
  I think he needs to be made aware of how short our money is. 
A kiss goodbye...
And out, into my car 1844
710 OK, NB 5 ok, but crawling on the 101.
At work  1938.

At work...night work done, just 'babysitting'...
Lots of tinkering to do on the next day, though.

  She requested before I left home that I read "Dan's blog" and Her post on it, and I did.
  D-Supervisor came in late to update ADP and print out time sheets that we are 'supposed to' sign, before payday the coming Friday... and he asked if I would cover an overnight shift on 6/6.
That IS the night of  1) the Poly Meet up dinner and 2) the LICK party in OC,  
  and I agreed to work the shift.   
  IF Merry wants to attend either one of the events, She can go with Stitch.  Or figure out somethin' else.

D sl S  79 1/3
D sl O  85 3/4
D sl F/m 79 1/3
Dsl F/her ~ 59
D UN  49 1/2
D shlDO  ~58
D sl Ci  173