Wednesday, April 6, 2016

05 April, Tuesday, Diary

01:30 Merry called to say "good night"
  I reminder her that I expected to leave the office 530-ish... be on a train 0545, and get in 6:45
Slow night...
Watched The Newsroom 1: 6, 7, 8, 9  while snacking on  baby carrots and g-f pretzels.

5:25 Out
5:28 walking to HH
5:35 on platform
5:43 on board the Red,  and moving
5:58 In at 7th street transfer station
6:02 on board the Blue
6:09 Moving
6:10 at Pico, where I usually call Merry with my eta.
 ...her phone went straight to voicemail.
As it did  the next several times I called.
6:45 arrived DA station, tried calling her one more time..still direct to voice mail.
I ordered a Lyft car... which arrived in less than 10 minutes.
Home, shortly after 7.
ANd walked in the bedroom; Sunshine woke up after I opened the door.
"How'd you get home?"
She looked at her phone...charger plugged in but it was off.
She had no idea, other than to guess, it had shut itself off for lack of juice just as she plugged in the charger.
Oh well. No harm. I was home.
Fed animals.
MDM   chickn n rice soup, t-chips, muffin...
While watched TRMS from Monday.
8:15 sleeping

1245 pm, up to pee.
Awake again 3-ish..and then waking up, sleeping,waking up.....
18:00 up    Pill.. Alka S,  fed  Crackpot-cat, who was following me everywhere.... toilet...showered...dressed...packed...
Car with Merry 18:30
At work 19:15... great time on a Tuesday.

Not a lot going on for the night or next morning.  
The American Idol finale is Thursday, I'll be glad to not be here.

#11 of 13

My wish for my coming days off:

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