Sunday, April 17, 2016

13 April Wednesday Diary

at work:
Watched The Newsroom  1:7, 8, 9, 10, then 2:1, 2, 3, 4
Started e-cig filter #2 (of the 2 in the pack)
7:45 called Merry to get up and feed Donna Dawg-lass.
8:25 out
8:30 in car
9:15 home, which is really good time during peak time on a week day morning.
Fed the cats.... 
MDM   Meatloaf.. on tortillas  ... a banana... bean chips.
Watched TRMS from Tuesday.
10:30 sleep.

18:00 awakened by her to take my daily pill
Back to sleep
21:30 up for dinner.... beef stew and chips.
Watched TRMS from tonight.
Took my contact lenses out
23:00 sleep.

I got 99 problems....