Monday, April 25, 2016

24 April, Sunday Diary

01:00 up to pee.... get some milk n cookies.
04:00 up to pee
09:30 UP   fed the cats.
In my chair.
Watched The Newsroom 2:7 .... coffee n toast.
Contact lens IN.
Ate an apple
Watched 2.8  while reading Sunday's paper
Merry up, around 11:00
Started on 2:9.
Merry asked for a 'conversation'.
We went into BR1 and talked.
It was a good talk.
I realize 99% of the responsibility of making things REALLY work between us belongs to me.   
I realize so many of the problems we have are MY problems, in my head.   
I just have to WANT to fix them.   

Finished watching 2:9.
Toilet... showered...dressed.... fixed my 'drink' ... toilet...
Kissed Her, good bye...
Car, alone 14:43
Office  15:33.
My usual associate KW had called out, sick, so supervisorDB was working in his place.
About 90 rides for today, 90 for tomorrow so far.  Really slow.
Set up for tomorrow took... not much time.
Big drama: a company that was booked to do Two all-day 50-passenger bus rides for us, starting at 7:15 in the morning, called at 6 pm to say, they were NOT going to do 'em because our company owes their company too much money.

That was ... dramatic...
But we ..,mostly DB... got it resolved within an hour.

Snacked ... on carrots, then an apple.
Watched The Newsroom  3:1, 3:2,  Started on 3:3  

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